
A world where people come and go
          	To whom you build relationships, you’ll never know.
          	But somehow, in a world that’s virtually real
          	You made me want to try, want to feel.
          	You are a vibrant person made with solid colors
          	You have bright petals, green leaves, a beautiful flower.
          	So beautiful that picking you up may be a sin
          	So instead, I’ll stand aside to see you grow and bloom for the world to be seen.
          	You are a painting that’s abstract
          	You are an artwork full of meaning which never fails to attract
          	Your shapes are random but they align
          	When I converse with you, I feel like everything will be fine.
          	You are like the wind, yes you are one
          	You made me feel the breeze then the next thing you’re gone
          	You gave me a tornado of thoughts and worries
          	But then you make me calm, like the wind and the gentleness it carries
          	Never once I had a butterfly to eat
          	But why does it seem that my stomach is full of it?
          	I was like Rome that I fall every time you spoke facts
          	I’m like a train and oh whatever you are because you blow me off my tracks.
          	Yet despite of all this, our time is like a burning candle
          	Someday we might lose our light and that truth is tough to handle.
          	But know that in every song, I’ll sing for you
          	In every battle, I’ll fight for you
          	In every game, I’ll win for you
          	In every poem, I’ll think of you
          	In every star cluster, I’ll connect it for you
          	And in every flower, it’ll bloom for you
          	First poem of the year,
          	You feel so close, yet you were never near.


A world where people come and go
          To whom you build relationships, you’ll never know.
          But somehow, in a world that’s virtually real
          You made me want to try, want to feel.
          You are a vibrant person made with solid colors
          You have bright petals, green leaves, a beautiful flower.
          So beautiful that picking you up may be a sin
          So instead, I’ll stand aside to see you grow and bloom for the world to be seen.
          You are a painting that’s abstract
          You are an artwork full of meaning which never fails to attract
          Your shapes are random but they align
          When I converse with you, I feel like everything will be fine.
          You are like the wind, yes you are one
          You made me feel the breeze then the next thing you’re gone
          You gave me a tornado of thoughts and worries
          But then you make me calm, like the wind and the gentleness it carries
          Never once I had a butterfly to eat
          But why does it seem that my stomach is full of it?
          I was like Rome that I fall every time you spoke facts
          I’m like a train and oh whatever you are because you blow me off my tracks.
          Yet despite of all this, our time is like a burning candle
          Someday we might lose our light and that truth is tough to handle.
          But know that in every song, I’ll sing for you
          In every battle, I’ll fight for you
          In every game, I’ll win for you
          In every poem, I’ll think of you
          In every star cluster, I’ll connect it for you
          And in every flower, it’ll bloom for you
          First poem of the year,
          You feel so close, yet you were never near.


Just sharing some FREE mental health care services both online and face-to-face here in the Philippines.
          •National Center for Mental Health (e-Konsultasyon)
          -they provide preventive, curative, rehabilitative mental health care for the Filipinos.
          •Mental Health Responder
          -this is a peer support group
          •Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center
          -mental health check up for face-to-face. (If you prefer f2f consultations)
          •Philippine General Hospital OPD
          -pwede kang magpa-diagnose if you have anxiety or depression and they will prescribe a medication.
          Aside from seeking professional help and treatment, you also need to have healthier coping mechanisms. I suggest downloading 'Lusog Isip' application for free. This is developed by DOH. Note that this is not a substitute but a helpful tool if you’re dealing with your anxiety attacks or depression.
          Always remember to give yourself a break. Don’t feel guilty for things you can’t do. Know that it’s okay to struggle. Rest, recover, and be kind to yourself. You got this luv. <3