
Purchase 'My Godmother is a Pornstar' today! 
          	US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DYZ1DYRD
          	UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DYZ1DYRD
          	AUS: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DYZ1DYRD
          	Or my Patreon: patreon.com/tjstarc (Full eBook available with subscription)
          	-T.J Starc


@_rock_it_  i just finished all of the Lindsey/Shannon story and the third book in two days! It is so well written and absolutely perfect! How do you feel about poly couples/throuples? I understand you might not want to write this, but how would you feel about making Lindsey/Shannon/Helena into a throuple? I just feel like this would be a more interesting idea and less heartbreak than Lindsey leaving Helena for Shannon? I don't want anyone to be hurt. I understand if you already have the story written and don't want to do this though. Alternatively, would you be up to writing a future, different story about a gxgxg throuple if you don't want to use this story? Thanks. Keep writing and stay safe ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@cajunsniper700 While 'The Ex' will not include a throuple, I am not against writing about this in the future with different characters :)


For the next 48 HOURS ONLY all new Patreon members will get a 10% discount with the code: LAUNCH25
          Make the most of it! Access to my Patreon (Early Access Tier) grants you access to the FULL book - 'My Godmother is a Pornstar'
          - T.J Starc


At the moment, updates have paused while I consider the future of the book on Wattpad. This is not to say that I will not publish more chapters, but that I have yet to make up my mind. Thanks, T.J Starc.


Can you give us updates in here 


Will you by any chance be able to update on here 


If anyone is struggling to access the eBook/ paperback online, drop your country down below, and I'll try and find the easiest link per country. 
          The eBook is available across most of the world. If you're having trouble, set your address to a US address (as it's online anyway). 
          The paperback is available in several countries —feel free to ask me if it's available in yours. 
          - T.J Starc


Hey i’ve  tried to change the county but it isn’t working is it possible for you to finish it here?If it’s not im from Bulgaria drop a link if you can.


@_rock_it_ Hi there, I've tried changing the address to get your book, but it's not allowing me to purchase it at all. I'm from South Africa. Is there any other way I might be able to purchase it?


@_rock_it_ Hiya is it available in pound town? Because I'll happily meet you there to take a copy off your hands


For any of you who can not afford it, you can get a free Kindle Unlimited subscription and read the full book for free for a limited time. 
          Thanks for all the support so far.
          - T.J Starc


@MaKya60 how can you read it on Kindle Unlimited im confused 

