
@vividtrees hiyaaa


@HalieBanks14 Why don't you leave my friends alone! WHY DO YOU KEEP BOTHERING US U STALKER! Why do you even bother with a wattpad acc if you can't even spell! And Atleast we have friends who will stick up for each other unlike u who doesn't know what friendship means! My friends are the most kindest people on earth, they are NOT fat and they have a heart! We have done nothing to you! You're just a big bully! Sabiee and Salwa are the most warm hearted people ever! So leave them alone! Your like a wrecking ball crashing are lives! So stop these LITTLE WHITE LIES!


@HalieBanks14 you're* Get a dictionary bitch


@HearThatLaugh im not defending halie im defending sabbie and drop it coz this argument isnt even worth it also i didnt say i was intimidating i said that you wernt


this message may be offensive
@lilmissykaykay lmao! and you think you are? go ask her what halie has done then you'll see what a dumbass you are for defending her


@HearThatLaugh erm i do know sabbie actually we go to the same school and dont try get rude coz u aint intimidating


G'day Sabiee, just swingin' by to say thank you for the follow, I really appreciate it and hope you will enjoy my works !


Thats great but make sure to try mine out sometime


ohhhhh heyyyy