why am I not good enough? why am I the one always being played? what is so wrong with me that no one ever actually likes me? why if someone likes me is it toxic or fake? why show interest when its fake? why play with me? I've accepted that I will never be enough but it would be nice to have someone at least show semi interest for longer than 2 weeks. sorry most don't even go two weeks. WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH? why will no one put up with me. no one puts up with me for long. I get annoying, tiring, and just purely annoying. I exhaust everyone. why does everyone leave. I either semi open up of fully open up and yet they always leave. I am getting so tired of everyone leaving. I wish just one person would stay one person would care enough to put up with me, to just plainly stay. stay with me in the dark. stay and hold me as I cry. stay and let me talk. stay and talk back. but no. I lose everyone. what is so wrong with me that everyone feels that they have to leave for.