
HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!! Let’s make 2023 the best one yet!!


Oh my lanta I have a boyfriend who broke my strict no men policy  But it’s okay because he’s good enough to be one of the men you read about in books. He yelled at me yesterday to open my legs so he could cuddle me better so I think I got a keeper


You guys I’ve done so much writing. Writing is one of the best things I can do. It brings me this sense of purpose because I get to create a world where things happen my way. Nothing is no completely out of control. 
          The story I’m currently writing is a Bughead fanfic but I’m making it my own. Different backgrounds, meeting, different lives. I make way with my words that I had no idea I could do. I find it amazing. It’s hard for me to believe that I’m so good at something that I can say I did well. I have problems with that. But no one will tell me to stop and make me listen. 
          If you’ve read my story, thank you. Even if you didn’t vote, you took time to read the words I’ve used to create a new story. So thank you  
          Much love,


I’ve been MIA! But I’m back my dudes. Btw where I live it’s literally 3:26 in the morning. Anyway if you have anything to say you may DM. However, if you are sliding in my DM’s because you want sex, you better not because I’m not a hoe. So no thanks. Anyone who genuinely wants to know me can. Alright. Much love, Sarri