
Hi hi!
          	I was lucky enough to join a collection of writers for some Christmas one-shots! I hope you enjoy Violet & Harry, and make sure to check out the others' stories as they're posted in the next few days!


Ladybug is complete <3 
          Thank you for the love, always, but especially when it comes to them. I wrote Ladybug solely for my own self-interest, so the fact that others love them too blows my mind every single time. I'll have an epilogue up, eventually, but this is it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you, always.
          *insert thumbs up emoji here*


omg it’s finished? well now i can binge the ending


so proud of you rhi <3 can’t wait to binge it <3


          I've been sitting on this (totally self-indulgent) story for a minute, but she's here! I'll do my best to update fairly regularly, but I'm balancing a lot, so no promises on 'quick'. 
          I hope, if you decide to join the journey, you enjoy. I'm so happy to have you here. :) 
          Meet Ladybug.


I JUMPED!!! i cannot wait


Sweet little Pirouette hit 10k a few minutes ago...!!!!!! Thank you so much for reading, and for supporting my blueberry boy and his honeybee. I'm amazed that my words have been read so many times and I don't think I'll ever get over it.
          These two mean the world to me and I'm excited (and actually, genuinely devastated lol) to finish out their story <3