
New chapters:
          	2.3. (DD.MM) I SOLD YOU
          	4.3. Enemies to Lovers (still figuring out a real name xD)


@_smutbook_writer figure out a name on chat gbt or smt that what I would do 


@KaanCarlyCivici the chapter of “I SOLD YOU” is not out yet. I need an extra hour or two, because I decided to add a scene. You mean you can’t get to “Archive of our own?” You can type this into your Google search, go to their website and then search “smutbook_writer” my books should pop up. 


New chapters:
          2.3. (DD.MM) I SOLD YOU
          4.3. Enemies to Lovers (still figuring out a real name xD)


@_smutbook_writer figure out a name on chat gbt or smt that what I would do 


@KaanCarlyCivici the chapter of “I SOLD YOU” is not out yet. I need an extra hour or two, because I decided to add a scene. You mean you can’t get to “Archive of our own?” You can type this into your Google search, go to their website and then search “smutbook_writer” my books should pop up. 


Ladies and gentlemen, important notice:
          Due to the laws and politics in California, I MUST CHANGE THE LOCATION where my story ENEMIES TO LOVERS has been playing out, until now. 
          The location will be changed to Cambridge, in the UK. 
          UK laws that will be in sync with my story: 
          Sexual activity is LEGAL from the age of 16 !!!
          Drinking alcohol is LEGAL from the age of 18 !!! 
          Thank you very much ❤️


@_smutbook_writer The legal drinking age in the Uk is 5.


New chapters:
          19.2. I SOLD YOU
          25.2. Enemies to Lovers (I’m figuring out a real name for it :D )


I’m sorry for the delay, guys! I promise the chapter will be out before midnight (^_^*)


@Ani_sayshi “I SOLD YOU” has just been updated ❤️


@_smutbook_writer I keep checking my notifications 


New chapters: 
          6.2. I SOLD YOU (Evening, European time)
          7.2. Enemies to Lovers (Evening, European time)
          14.2. I SOLD YOU & Enemies to Lovers (Bc it’s Valentine’s Day, also in the evening) 


New chapter of Enemies to Lovers is out now ❤️


Guys, give me an extra hour, I’ve decided to add a scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


can't waiit, i love this book


A new chapter of „I SOLD YOU,” will be out TOMORROW. (^O^)
          Spoiler alert:
          <SPICY> (//∇//)


@Ani_sayshi the next chapter should be soon though (I know I always say that (^_^*) )


@_smutbook_writer it was so good but you left us on a clip hanger 


New chapter of Enemies to Lovers
                         TOMORROW !!! 


Heyyy girll how are you hope you’re well i was just wondering if you had uploaded hn+yn chapter 25 yet? because for me it said there are 25 chapters but when i click on it it only shows me the 24th one. I did check Ao3 and it said that there are only 24 chapters 
          lovvveee youu and thanksss


@_smutbook_writer Oh okay then my phones glitching take your time and don’t worry 


There’s no chapter 25 yet, you didn’t miss anything. I was supposed to do it last week, but something got in the way. I’ll try to do it this week. 


@reading_addict146 24 ,sadly no update yet .Might be all the chapters combined (intro + chapters)


Not me realizing after writing 3 different books, that if you want to lie down, you use LIE and not LAY(−_−;)I pity you, guys. Your eyes must have hurt while reading it (^_^*)
          I genuinely thought “lie down” was an American version and “lay down” was a British version, but lay is apparently used for objects and not people ( ´_ゝ`)


@_smutbook_writer I instantly understand stood it