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A fucking asshole at work went thru my crossbody and stole my pain med last night (Sat). I missed last night's dose and all 4 doses for today (Sun). Welp, he was caught on camera. Police came today to get a copy of the video, file a police report, and get this person's address. Once the police left the store they were headed to his address to arrest him for theft of a narcotic medication. And ofc he was fired. It's gonna be hard for him to get another job now once he's outta jail because (1) the police report (2) the court paperwork once he goes to court and (3) his termination paperwork at work says he was terminated for stealing narcotics from a fellow employee. I have to take the police report to my pain management dr I'm the morn to see if they'll take the police report as due cause to give me a new prescription for the 71 pills that were stolen. If not, I have to go 18 more days with no pain medication. My monthly appt isn't til the 24th. I am in so much pain rn all I can do is cry. My illness causes a great deal of pain as do the pain syndromes I have. I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't get more other than trying to buy some off a dealer on the streets :(((