hey ry, before you read this, pls respond to this, pls the "disclaimer " ONLY respond to this message on this message board. DO NOT go to my old acc, i can't risk being found. i am not back on this app, i just saw your message because i was missing wattpad and checking in to see some things. DON'T tell ANYONE you saw this. so many terrible things could happen if this were to somehow get to my parents. now that that's over, hi ry, or is it tyler now ? idk. its a certain person who's name used to be j and now starts with an e and ends with an n. anyway doll, i've missed you. to respond to your message, yes i still love tøp and i've passed two years with them. i'm actually a kpop stan now also, lol. but yea, i really hope you've been well and that you stay well. you'll always have a space in my mind and the 12 year old in me will always love you, my ryan. also, i've gotten better !! my depression has receded but i still go through bad times every once in a while but overall i'm sm better. so yea, respond ONLY on this message board if you see this doll, i really hope you do. bye ! <3

hiii!! checking back in! hope ur doin okay ry! it’s been years since we became friends and years since we last spoke regularly and i still think about you. i hope you’re happy and .. do you still love tøp?? it’s gonna be 4 years with them for me in november!! hope u see this and i hope you’ve been doing great.

Oh my god I missed you so much. I’m so glad that everything’s going better, and yes, it’s Ryan still. I’m so grateful that you still remember me. I still think about you frequently. I miss you heaps but I’m so happy things are going better for you!

@filleraccc god i cant type, i meanf "before you respond to this, pls read the " disclaimer".