
انا من يهتم انا من يقلق انا  من يسال لا احتمل ان اكون هكذا  فانا احتاج للسؤال ايضا  لا تعاتب احدا 
          	فمن يحبك يسال يتحدث يشتاق يقلق 


صغيري اخبرني حساب استطيع ان احادثك فيه 


            فهمت، اتملك حساب انستا ؟ احتاج الحديث معك من فضلك 


            حسابه هذا من يستخدمه! اعني من انت إذا كان جان مختفي بالفعل ؟!


            ومن يستخدم حسابه الان ؟!


انا من يهتم انا من يقلق انا  من يسال لا احتمل ان اكون هكذا  فانا احتاج للسؤال ايضا  لا تعاتب احدا 
          فمن يحبك يسال يتحدث يشتاق يقلق 


I dreamed a dream in time gone by
          When hope was high and life worth living
          I dreamed that love would never die
          I prayed that God would be forgiving
          Then I was young and unafraid
          And dreams were made and used and wasted
          There was no ransom to be paid
          No song unsung, no wine untasted
          But the tigers come at night
          With their voices soft as thunder
          As they tear your hopes apart
          And they turn your dreams to shame
          And still I dream he'd come to me
          That we would live the years together
          But there are dreams that cannot be
          And there are storms we cannot weather
          I had a dream my life would be
          So different from this hell I'm living
          So different now from what it seemed
          Now life has killed the dream, I dreamed