Hi, guys! For anyone who's read "Lumos" (or "Forgotten Love"), quick request: try not to comment about the inaccuracies in them. I know it's a bit irritating to see some of the mistakes, but after a bunch of comments saying, for example, that, "hIs EyEs ArE gReY nOt BlUe!1!1" or "IT'S EPISKY, NOT REPAIRO!!!" I'm just getting tired of it. I was thirteen or so when I wrote "Lumos," guys- we all know how lazy thirteen years olds can be. I couldn't be bothered to check that the facts were right. Now that I'm older and hopefully more experienced with writing, I am WAY more meticulous about detail. Thank you for bringing these mistakes to my attention, but if you already see a bunch of comments about it, why add to the fire? When I have time, I will go back and correct any mistakes that were screaming out at you guys. In the meantime, just try to enjoy my stories, yeah? And constructive criticism is incredibly appreciated. Talk to you guys later!