ummm hi....does anyone know what happened to author nim??? i'm kinda worried, i try not to think of the worst but my brain automatically goes there. can someone plz tell me if they switched accts or sum?? thx
@jjkliz this the third time i am reading this reply cuz i always come here to check if author-nim is back and i want to cry fr! cuz damn hobi can't just disappear like that as well as author-nim (╯︵╰,)
@cayjai7 sadly, i don't think anyone knows. i don't know any of her socials or contacts & she's been gone since a year ago so no one really knows what happened. i was so heartbroken after i found out snapchat was discontinued that i decided to just forget about the book but i find myself constantly coming back to the author's profile in hopes of any new updates but no avail. i really hope she's doing alright and that she comes back soon! TT