thoughts on the new war of the rohirrim trailer (new animated lotr movie dir. peter jackson coming in december): still hyped asf. i rly like the art style (reminiscent of old anime, good for theater goers n the gen. older lotr fandom), n like i said i remain v positive ab the whole project. ppl in the comments confused ab why it focuses more on helm hammerhand's daughter (warrior princess type character) instead of helm himself are so funny to me tho??? like it's been known FOR MONTHS what the movie was gonna be about T T have some media literacy (or js basic literacy i beg of you). either way i'm hyped ashhhh!!! the only thing i didn't like was the stock footage of the lotr movies in the beginning. like bro..... the title says "lotr" n "dir. peter jackson"..... u don't have to insert clips from UR OWN MOVIES for ppl to get that its a lotr movie. anyways, go watch it!!!!! <3