helloo :)) Its really been a while haha, I'm truly sorry for not updating in so long like it's been a whole year ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ My um fanfic hehe "New but Known" actually just started out as something small I could do in my free time. When I found that people enjoyed it when I had like zero faith in it, I couldn't be happier. When the new years start i always revisit to edit my chapters because my English is um really bad ( ゚ヮ゚) and I finally decided on a username like I don't know what was happening before. I'm really happy to see that people are still reading my writing like I haven't updated in a year and there's still people (ಥ﹏ಥ) so thank you, like lots and lots of thank you's XD But I can't confirm that I will continue writing, I just write when I feel like it and I hope that anyone who reads the series understands. Thank you for supporting and reading my writing so far :))
@_teiichn pls continue writing it TnT..its been in my reading list for years lmao,its a good book thats why i never removed it :DD