
Why does this happen.


Honestly, people need to cut the crap. I'm sick and tired of what everybody says. People say that words can't hurt you, hats a total lie. Words can hurt worse than a punch in the stomach. I'm not just saying this because it's been happening to me. I'm saying this because it's been happening to my friends aswell. Just because you wanna have a lot of friends doesn't mean you get to treat people like they are absolutely nothing. 
          "Those who are trying to bring you down are already below you." 
          When people have problems mentally, problems they can't help nor stop, we often find ourselves making fun of those. Why, why do we do that? It's because we aren't the ones with the problem, it's because it's not us or our family. It's because we don't know the person. Why do we make fun of the ones that have had open heart surgery? Why? It's because it's not us, it's because it's not our family, it's not somebody we know. My pastors son had open heart surgery before he was even 6 months old. He's the happiest one of his kids, he has 10. What if that was you? What if that was your brother? What if that was your family member? I'm done with people and their stupidity. Y'all really need to realize how much pain you cause.