Heyo! It's been ages since I've updated Little Widow. I'm so so so so sorry! You guys have no idea how much I've been eager to update it, but, I've smashed my phone and now I'm using this laptop to try and keep in touch with you guys. I won't be updating Little Widow anytime before Christmas because I would rather if my parents didn't see the book, especially the chapter 'Rather Sensual'. Oh and I forgot to mention, this is my Mum's laptop and she's kindly letting me borrow it for about 10 minutes. (I'm home alone and she comes back in 10 minutes is what I mean ^^)
But anyway, I'll try to keep in touch and update you guys frequently. But stay tuned for Little Widow! It's far from finished! I love you guys form the bottom of my heart and thank you for the support you're giving me! With love, _thatonebrit_
~Tatty bye! <3