
Random Scribbling part 6 is up... something short this time :))


Hello y'all. Long time eh. Been working on multiple projects at once, that's what caused the hold-up. Your favorite 'the Cup of Hemlock' is undergoing some major changes and will be available shortly and I am very much looking forward to hearing your opinions on it. In the meantime, I'm posting another book I am nearing completion. Since I had written it for paperback formats, the chapter lengths are going to be larger than usual wattpad lengths and so I apologize for lengthy read sessions (no I don't). It's a romance, quite different from my usual genres, so bear with me and do let me know your thoughts and views without worry. Thank you all :)


From the Author's desk,
          In light of recent events unfolding around the world, I would like to comment on various characters of questionable character in my book communicating in Russian. I completely stand in solidarity with any and every victim of autocratic and dictatorial governments and rulers, and, I do not, in any way, entertain insensitive comments targeted at any ethnicity or nationality. The actions of a corrupt few do not give anyone the freedom to condemn an entire population as a whole. My work is one of fiction, and any attempts for the ignorant among you to try and unjustly stereotype any group of people will be met with strict action. So.. once again, I remind all of you, to take a moment to consider what a sad, shallow, sadistic sh*t-head of a person you are, before deciding to use this platform or work to spread racist, xenophobic and or any such comments or propaganda.
          Not so respectfully, 


*EDIT: the book mentioned has been removed for editing and will be available shortly