
@i_luvzayn No problem babess :) Anytime. You can check out mine the "Crumbling Walls" That would be like awesomeeee but you really don't have to (; ily <3


@_hope_less_  Lol and I do have an account on instagram it's madd_hatter_babe and as for my fans I usually like most of the time to a new fan I'll send a crazy message on their message board like '' HEY YOU THERE! Yeah you, thanks for fanning, that's was cool shiz you did there." Something like that lol something to catch peoples attention, also I always send messages to my fans saying thanks and I love you guys that kind of stuff and I always ALWAYS  when I get a dedication read the book if you haven't already and comment on the chappie along with voting. I always read all books that they ask no matter how many ask I do. I fan a lot of people and sometimes okay most of the time they fan back. That's pretty much what I do lol also if you get super close to some of your fans they might share your stories around too. I do that with a lot of my fans books If I love them which I love all books but if like its a must read I'm in love I'll share it...