
@carrottommo01 thanks :) i will check them out :)


Thanks for voting for and commenting on Some Day (wolfstar) xx
          Love your username btw 


Oh goodness thankyouu so much! You deserve it honestly like, wowow it’s one of my favourite wolfstar fanfics and I’m not even half way through yet (begging you not to break my heart) @Siriusly__gay___ (i also adore your username) x


          If you have any free time, I was wondering if you could check out my stories, it would be gladly appreciated! 
          Also, if you liked a chapter please vote! ☺️❤️
          I followed you, do you mind following me back ?
          Comment if you want as well, I will read them~


Of course I’ll chek them out, would you prehaps do the same with mine? I’ve followed you tooo ❤️