
well damn, a whole year without X. I miss you, Jah.❤️


I’ve been gone for a long ass time but I’m still trying to write. It’s just that it’s really hard to write amazingly when you’re not feeling the same. 
          But I love you guys for taking the time to read my work and comment on it. I love when you guys comment btw, it warms my heart. But thank you guys for being so understanding.❤️


ginnellllllllllllllllllllll , i need my update ☺️


But bruh, I have writer’s block buttttt I’ll probs have it done within the next few days.


LMAOOO how you know I was active? 


Okay so.. I found my Princeton Perez stories. 
          You know when fanfics used to be on youtube? 
          Bruh, omg. I am horrified by the atrocity of my writing and I honestly don't think I've gotten any better LMAOOOO. 
          Okay, stretch. I have gotten waaaaay better but I'm not as good as most of the beautiful beings I read on here. I was really bad. 


Hey girl!! I'm new to wattpad and I was wondering, Since you seem like a mindless person like me, if you wanted to read my MB fan fic. It's called dear no one and I promise it's really good. Also Coming soon, I have my first MB fanfic called Hold on we're going home!! If you could go check it out that would be awesome, If you don't like it, that's cool, cuz I still need some critiques so... Hope you go check it out
          Thnx have a blessed one!