
omg omg OMG omg omg OMG omgomgomgomgomgomgomg IT HAS BEEN SO LONG OMG GUYS 
          	it's just school has been a hugeeeeee hassle and omg
          	ok guys I promise you I will get the first chapter of second book of The Kiss Game. 
          	ily guys and pls don't hate me. 
          	-char ❤️


@_turtledove_ we would never even think of hating you


          I was wondering if I could do a "My Take" on your story...
          The Kiss Game, is the story I want to write...
          Not that your story is bad, it's just that I want to go more into detail and write what I wish would've happened...
          So yeah, you can message me, or just reply back...
          Ok, thx!


omg omg OMG omg omg OMG omgomgomgomgomgomgomg IT HAS BEEN SO LONG OMG GUYS 
          it's just school has been a hugeeeeee hassle and omg
          ok guys I promise you I will get the first chapter of second book of The Kiss Game. 
          ily guys and pls don't hate me. 
          -char ❤️


@_turtledove_ we would never even think of hating you


          Guys it's been a while
          And We're really sorry.
          With school and everything it's just been really stressful.
          So updates won't be as frequent/ won't happen as often as they did in the summer 
          We love you guys
          We hope you understand 
          -Charlotte and Kai