
you, I have chosen you personally to read my book Fame because I legit wrote three thousand words for my last chapter, I also update every Tuesday and Friday and they will always be long. BTW, it's an American Idol AU so if you liked that I've added in Phan since the show is over. If you read it, you get a metaphorical puppy!!!


you, I have chosen you personally to read my book Fame because I legit wrote three thousand words for my last chapter, I also update every Tuesday and Friday and they will always be long. BTW, it's an American Idol AU so if you liked that I've added in Phan since the show is over. If you read it, you get a metaphorical puppy!!!


Currently drowning in Homework.... and procrastinating because thats what i do... unfortunately but hopefully i can procrastinate more by creating good covers. I am freaking tired and the only thing I've eaten today was panda express (breakfast) and chips and queso (lunch) thanks... bye


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Hello, people.
          Okay, my covers are shit right now, I know but just you wait. I'm currently in Colorado right now running away from my problems that await for me nearly 1,000 miles away. But once I come back home, I'll work on my covers, be sad and depressing, drown in homework and try to write but that seems merely impossible because the week ahead of me looks like hell.
          Ok. Thanks for reading my first world problems. Now, actually go do something productive.