
Hi babes, 
          	I wanted to take a minute and update everyone reading my story, lately a few things have happened in my life and this has taken me on a roller coaster of emotions, I left a bad relationship and that has really taken a toll on my self confidence all together. 
          	My passion to write has been pushed to the back of my mind. I have been reading more than I ever before and reading everyone else's amazing stories has been affecting my writing. I've read so many great books that I just fell in love with that when I try to write my own I fear that it will never be good enough, it will never live up to so many I've read. I know these are my own insecurities talking and I've given my self some grace over the past couple weeks and have really thought hard about so many things. 
          	I have decided to really sit down with my self and remember who I was before everything that happened and who I want to be now that its over and I finally feel like I can breathe again on my own, slowly I have been picking up the pieces of my old self.
          	Who should this book reach (target audience)?
          	What is the end goal here/ What do I want to do with this book once it's finished?
          	 Where does this lead me?
          	When do I want to have this story finalized? 
          	Why did I start writing this in the first place?
          	How do I want this is end? 
          	I have asked myself these questions so many times over the past couple weeks and although I may not know all the answers right now I at least feel like I have some of my confidence back to write again. 
          	I'm so sorry to everyone who has been reading my story and waiting for updates, I know these are my own faults and I'm sorry you guys have and to wait around for me to figure out what I'm doing here.
          	 I am planning to update this story very soon and hopefully keep banging this story out until the end. 
          	To everyone who has read this story and who has stuck around you will never understand how much I love and appreciate you!!!
          	Talk soon :)
          	Unknown Siren 


Hi babes, 
          I wanted to take a minute and update everyone reading my story, lately a few things have happened in my life and this has taken me on a roller coaster of emotions, I left a bad relationship and that has really taken a toll on my self confidence all together. 
          My passion to write has been pushed to the back of my mind. I have been reading more than I ever before and reading everyone else's amazing stories has been affecting my writing. I've read so many great books that I just fell in love with that when I try to write my own I fear that it will never be good enough, it will never live up to so many I've read. I know these are my own insecurities talking and I've given my self some grace over the past couple weeks and have really thought hard about so many things. 
          I have decided to really sit down with my self and remember who I was before everything that happened and who I want to be now that its over and I finally feel like I can breathe again on my own, slowly I have been picking up the pieces of my old self.
          Who should this book reach (target audience)?
          What is the end goal here/ What do I want to do with this book once it's finished?
           Where does this lead me?
          When do I want to have this story finalized? 
          Why did I start writing this in the first place?
          How do I want this is end? 
          I have asked myself these questions so many times over the past couple weeks and although I may not know all the answers right now I at least feel like I have some of my confidence back to write again. 
          I'm so sorry to everyone who has been reading my story and waiting for updates, I know these are my own faults and I'm sorry you guys have and to wait around for me to figure out what I'm doing here.
           I am planning to update this story very soon and hopefully keep banging this story out until the end. 
          To everyone who has read this story and who has stuck around you will never understand how much I love and appreciate you!!!
          Talk soon :)
          Unknown Siren 


Hey Babes!!! 
          Long time no talk, 
          Never in a million years did I ever think I would have this many people reading, commenting, voting or even having this in anyones reading list!  When I originally posted the first few chapters I thought I would maybe have a handful of random reads here and there but I really just wanted to do this as a challenge to myself to finally put this out into the world, I've had this story in my head for the last 2 years and finally just wanted to put it out there and see what it may become.  when I logged back into this account today I saw that 10.4k people have viewed my story!!!!
          I can't even express the overwhelming feeling of pure pride and happiness I'm feeling, I am so truly thankful to every single one of you who have viewed this story. 
          My life has been chaotic mess recently and sadly I haven't had the time I've wanted to be able to sit down and write some chapters, this all being said I will be slowly updating this book and hopefully when have sometime off durning Christmas break I can whip out a major upload for you guys!!! 
          I am so amazed by the overwhelming support you guys have given me and hopefully you guys stick around to see where else my story will take you!!!
          This story is for all of my Kinky Good Girls! 
          Unknown Siren


Hi Everyone!!!! 
          This is hopefully the last crazy week for me and then I have some downtime for the summer!!! Updates and new chapters should be out some time late next week!!!!
          I just wanted to send out some reminders
          1. This is a first draft of the book, once the book is completed I will go back and fix any spelling errors and horrible grammar. 
          2. This book is recommend 18+ due to language, violence, kidnapping, drugs and alcohol and a whole lot of smut.
          3. I will add a " * " to any chapters including smut, so readers beware if that is not your thing. 
          4. I will be putting " TRIGGER WARNING" at the top of any chapter that includes  severe violence. 
          5. This book includes Italian and Russian, any translations will be added to the chapter in brackets. I'm sorry if translations are not exact I will be using google translate. 
          6. Any names/ locations mentioned in this book are all fictional
          Also please don't forget to vote and add this book to you're libraries so you don't miss any new chapters. I'm hoping to have this book hopefully finished this summer and was thinking of possibly making this a sequel so stay tuned. 
          Ive realized that Wattpad has removed there private messaging section, if anyone has any questions or would like to chat feel free to reach out to me either through my TikTok or Insta that is linked to this account and please add any comments to chapters along the way!!!!
          Spicy chapters coming your way soon!!!!
          The Siren


Hi Everyone!!! 
          I'm sorry i've been so MIA recently, work and life have been crazy lately but I've slowly been writing new chapters. Expect updates soon!!!
          If anyone has any questions about my story or sees any concerns while reading please reach out to me and I'll be happy to answer any questions. 
          A little bit about me: Im 22 years and currently living in Canada.
          Ive always been a book worm and after finding Wattpad about 4 years ago durning covid, I fell in love. I found similar writing styles and topics to what my story is about and it made me feel confident enough to make an authors account and post my stories. 
          Although I may still be writing anonymously, writing has given me a confidence I've never felt before. Writing about these topics makes me feel free from the average vanilla world we live in and seeing other stories like mine helps me realize I'm not alone, I'm not different or disturbed for fantasies I have and realized my kinks are normal!!!
          I cant wait to spice things up for you guys in these coming chapters!!!
          XOXO The Siren!