Hello writers!
Grab a paper & a pen and jot down !
✨Theme:- Epistolary fiction (letters, diary entries)
✨Genre :- Open (see prompts below)
Language: English
⭐Benefits by participating in anthology:
You would be published as a co-author
4 pages for your content
E-certificate and free e-copy of anthology
1 page for your profile ( bio & picture)
Under the umbrella of this theme, you can explore writing letters to your future selves, or people you lost leaving many words unsaid, or perhaps, an unrequited love! You are open to add write ups in the form of poems as well! The sky is the limit!
Submit your write-ups to me.
Fees to participate as a co-author will be 200/- INR only.
Thank you for your consideration!
You can drop a message in my inbox for more details (the publication house is Verses Kindler Publication) or you can contact me through mail -- asmimowgli@gmail.com