
SEQUEL TO BLACK LACE IS OUT. Its called Looking Too Closely. Enjoy!


hey are you going to update soon<3 hope you’re doing okay x


@lucylatta77 Hi I'm okayyy! Updates are coming soon, I'm writing a bunch and then planning to just publish a bunch of chapters at once, but I needed a bit of a break from wattpad to get inspired :)


@lucylatta77 i’m really worried :(


hi i hope you’re doing okay, i yes almost been a month and wanting to see if you’re mentally okay,if not do not feel pressured to keep writing.


@lanilovegood Im so so sorry I didn't see this sooner, I don't get notifs when you guys write on here :( I was definitely having a tough time mentally, but I'm back, hopefully for good and the book is almost done! I really appreciate your message, you guys bring a smile to my face everyday somehow xxxx


this message may be offensive
GUYS OML so I saw this tiktok that was like “What job the Harry Potter characters would have in the muggle world.” And everyone was saying Draco would be a BuSiNeSs MaN like NO. Okay so this is my theory. I think Draco would be a doctor because he is genuinely good and has a really kind heart BUT being a doctor would also feed his God complex and make him feel powerful because people need him. 
          So yeah thats my theory, what do you guys think? Also doesn’t Doctor Draco Malfoy sound so fucking sexy? Like chile okay.