
Hey guys, so I was gonna get rid of this account, and for a while I did. I had a new one all lined up and I had made the announcement that I was done with Ash. In case anyone didn’t know,  Ash is a pseudonym. I thought with it people from my real life wouldn’t be able to identify me. I was wrong. People from my real life did recognize it and some of them weren’t so kind. Others read my work and took things way too personally. I was afraid of writing because people would see it. Then I realized that I write for myself not for others. If they have a problem with it then that’s on them. By now, you all know who you are and I want you to know that I’m not gonna apologize for what I write, it’s how I feel in that moment, not forever and so that’s the way things are. Thanks for everyone who has loved and supported me through your everything love you all and stay beautiful-ash


Hey guys, so I was gonna get rid of this account, and for a while I did. I had a new one all lined up and I had made the announcement that I was done with Ash. In case anyone didn’t know,  Ash is a pseudonym. I thought with it people from my real life wouldn’t be able to identify me. I was wrong. People from my real life did recognize it and some of them weren’t so kind. Others read my work and took things way too personally. I was afraid of writing because people would see it. Then I realized that I write for myself not for others. If they have a problem with it then that’s on them. By now, you all know who you are and I want you to know that I’m not gonna apologize for what I write, it’s how I feel in that moment, not forever and so that’s the way things are. Thanks for everyone who has loved and supported me through your everything love you all and stay beautiful-ash


Hey guys, just a little update, I’m not dead (yay) but I’m just working on some stuff rn that needs serious proof reading and I’m writing slowly because of school and theatre just a little heads up stay beautiful -Ash


Hey guys, I'm so very sorry that there hasn't been an update in a while, between school and vollyball and other stuff, I'm just trying to keep up with my life. Another thing that's been a huge problem is that for the past week and a half, I've had pneumonia and it still hasn't gone away, the doctor basically put me on bed rest today so yay :/ anywho, I'm sick as hell and not doing much better, although I'm on new meds so hopefully that will help. I just thought that I'd update you guys on why I'm not writing a lot lately although hopefully things will slow down here soon, I'm going to try to get one of the last (?) chapters of ICB up soon (although I make you no promises) so yeah, I hope your guys's weeks are better than mine and make sure you guys stay beautiful (on the inside and out) and I love you all <3 -Ash


Alright guys, so you know how I've been focussing mainly on I Can't Breathe, well it's almost  done and so when it is, I think (now don't hold me to this because with like school and stuff) that I'll post a new chapter of a different book each week, because I have like seven book ideas and I need to get them to you guys. Have a good day and stay beautiful-Ash