
"Idol" has been updated! Thank you all for your patience, I'll be writing a new chapter of "The Dragon's Assassin" next, stay in tune! Things are getting spoopy!
          	Lots of love!


As most of you probably know, I've finally taken up writing once again. I apologize for my absence, and I promise I'll work hard to make Idol better than ever!
          To all of you: 
          Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me. I'm thinking of revamping the covers of the books as well, considering they seem too childish and informal now that I look back on them. The content, however, will remain unchanged.


you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute  you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute you're cute 


why sad face


Woot woot idol reached 31.5 K 
          I love you. Every one of you.
          And as a gift, I will now write a poem for you. I am a terrible poet. Please forgive me.
          *clears throat*
          The withered light hath faded away,
          All hope and joy, too.
          But spring, like all doth come again,
          And bloom our faith anew.
          Our happiness will spread among
          Our friends and foes alike,
          And this was one terrible poem.
          I can't do poems. SIKE!
          Ew. That was crap.