
hello everyone! 
          	so no one really ever sees my announcements but i would just like to apologize for how half assed my writing has been since like December... i’m currently working on the next chapter for whatever our souls are made of... then i’ll write the shame in love... then how he came back for me... my chapters have mostly been dialogue and not very descriptive but that’s going to change.
          	i love you!


hello everyone! 
          so no one really ever sees my announcements but i would just like to apologize for how half assed my writing has been since like December... i’m currently working on the next chapter for whatever our souls are made of... then i’ll write the shame in love... then how he came back for me... my chapters have mostly been dialogue and not very descriptive but that’s going to change.
          i love you!


Hello everyone! I just finally went through my chapters for the first time and realized I made SO many mistakes and it’s bothering me. I’m gonna fix them and then I’ll start writing the next chapter. 
          Also I’m gonna start adding more details and trying to make the chapters longer! I was just in a rush to get chapters out and I was basically doing quantity over quality. I’m sorry.