
It’s such a pity that she couldn’t write the books herself and felt the need to copy them :(. 
          Oh, and did she block you on YouTube when you told her that what she was doing was plagiarism?
          Lots of love xxx


@Enthalpy123 And thank u for ur response:)


@MintyAgustD oh no..she blocked me on wattpad actually..when I found the original books her yt channel was I confronted her in Wattpad then she blocked me


Hi, do you happen to know where Kim sarang’s jimin tf was copied from? <3


@MintyAgustD no problem buddy!.. I don't particularly read steamy romance except come across few accidentally lol..but I've been more into urban fantasy lately


Omg I love goodreads haha! Yes, I’ve also began reading published books more-  but have failed to come across the ‘steamy romatics’ if ya know what I mean haha- but thank you so so so so much! You’ve helped me tremendously! Lots of love 


@MintyAgustD HEY!! I just found out where she copied tae FF addiction from's copied from Alex Grayson's book  'always wanting' !! Yay!! The blurb looks like it's from that book...u should check it out!!


and also i checked out other books by alex grayson,,, and i- i- m speechless rn.  they are so uhh erotic


@jeonguksbeanie I got it but I didn't get what u typed at first


:( i did dm you hun, check again


@jeonguksbeanie sry?? I didn't get that


          yeah i did find that author and i was glad that i did. But i just checked out the author you mentioned and im absolutely displeased rn. I checked out the book  ''Sinister Silhouette'' and i realized that it has been copy-pasted, like the entire thing, i mean even the writing has been cheated. I dont understand whats wrong with her and ppl like her, now  she is trying to act innocent on her account, ppl are sympathising with her thinking that its her work that has gone, this is so wrong, the readers are getting fooled!!! Reporting her or something wont do any harm to her. Should i too go and ask her? but what if she bans me too? i mean i dotn mind at this point but i wanna stay until all her readers know about it, how do we do that tho?


@Enthalpy123 yes I remember every book she was updating on yt. One Jimin ff, two jk ff and last I checked she was updating tae ff. 


@Intertwinedhearts HEY!! I forgot to tell u abt one book too...u remember when Kim sarang tried to write a taehyung ff?? I believe it's name was 'I love you' or something..she wrote like two chapters but then deleted it...she actually copied that ff from the book 'Birthday Girl' by Penelope Douglas 


@Intertwinedhearts and hey..thank u for responding too...