I created this account when I was 11 years old and used it nearly daily until I was 14. I joined ao3 when I was a newly-turned 15 year old and now I'm nearing 17 and can confidently say switching platforms is one of the best decisions I've made on the internet lol. Anyway, fanfiction will probably always be a big part of my life and I'm grateful for this cursed website no matter how much I cringe about it now. I'm glad to end this chapter of my life after so long <3 (this was really dramatic but thats ok) Goodbye, wattpad o/
@ayanoxbudoo hey! Wow, it’s been ages. I’m literally never go on this website anymore (just come on here to look at something) I was surprised to see a message lol
@_winterlee_ Hey, this is Whizzpurr of Sutzy_Whispurr. I lost my account again. I'm currently also on AO3 but have no works.