
Apparently I put in the wrong date for the schedule, so surprise ...I'll give you another surprise before Wednesday you lucky ducks.


Question: We could be rounding off "Royalty", but up to you all. Do we want to begin wrapping up, or would you like this to be a LONG book? I can cut it at about 70, or cut it in the 100s?


@Hunter10Sport I'll hopefully be announcing it soon! Still mapping out final details!


@Izabella526054 I'm not quite sure yet, since I'm still mapping it out. But I'll hopefully be announcing something soon!


Hi all! Please leave any suggestions you've left in the "Royalty" comments here! I'm trying to write as many of then down as I remember, but you putting them here would help BIG TIME!


@_wosowriting_ maybes they have twin girls and after Leah retires she becomes queen consort and helps improve education and football opportunities 