Guys I have a serious problem regarding one of my cats. I've had her since she was just four weeks old (along with her brother) and since early this year (maybe sooner) she has gotten extremely aggressive towards my other cats and my dogs. She used to be such a sweet heart and I don't know what to do, I don't want to give her up or anything, because she's my baby. I just don't know what to do about this. If you know anything please message me. This means so much to me. I'm worried about my other animals and her. My dogs have began to turn on her so basically whenever she even starts to growl warningly they attempt to attack her. I don't want her to run away, I've already had two cats run away for the exact same reason (not because they were aggressive and the dogs turned on them but because they were trying to protect new animals and yeah). But I don't know what to do, she only ever gets physically aggressive with us when we try to breakup fights (not bad) or startle her to the extreme. So I'm not really concerned about my safety because I know she wouldn't hurt any of us but I am concerned about my pets. Sorry for ranting and repeating myself a lot, but if any of you have any suggestions or anything PLEASE send me them.