
Assalamualaikum Hello. 
          	Its been awhile posting updates in here, and i am having this weird kinda feeling to  write again. I am not a book author, just having this as somekind of hobby or stress-reliever. I need more reading to do so i guess i can write much better especially poem. not a literature person, but i do love words and also, sharing much more of me in words than photos or videos. Guess i might turn this into a blog too in one of my stories, tho its not that suitable, well nevermind. Blogging is fun but weirdly, since its been so long, i forgot my blogger account, i cannot even know whats ist name for me to look it up to.
          	anyways, this is my escape from everyone that I know, since none of my friends here so yeah.
          	i will share much more unnecessary stories more. bye


Assalamualaikum Hello. 
          Its been awhile posting updates in here, and i am having this weird kinda feeling to  write again. I am not a book author, just having this as somekind of hobby or stress-reliever. I need more reading to do so i guess i can write much better especially poem. not a literature person, but i do love words and also, sharing much more of me in words than photos or videos. Guess i might turn this into a blog too in one of my stories, tho its not that suitable, well nevermind. Blogging is fun but weirdly, since its been so long, i forgot my blogger account, i cannot even know whats ist name for me to look it up to.
          anyways, this is my escape from everyone that I know, since none of my friends here so yeah.
          i will share much more unnecessary stories more. bye