Just here to say Christ loves you❤
Pt.2 8 It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in men. 9 It is better to take refuge in him than in the mightiest king! 10 Though all the nations of the world attack me, I will march out behind his banner and destroy them. 11 Yes, they surround and attack me; but with his flag flying above me I will cut them off. 12 They swarm around me like bees; they blaze against me like a roaring flame. Yet beneath his flag I shall destroy them. 13 You did your best to kill me, O my enemy, but the Lord helped me. 14 He is my strength and song in the heat of battle, and now he has given me the victory. 15-16 Songs of joy at the news of our rescue are sung in the homes of the godly. The strong arm of the Lord has done glorious things! 17 I shall not die but live to tell of all his deeds. 18 The Lord has punished me but not handed me over to death. 19 Open the gates of the Temple[a]—I will go in and give him my thanks. 20 Those gates are the way into the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter there. 21 O Lord, thank you so much for answering my prayer and saving me. 22 The stone rejected by the builders has now become the capstone of the arch![b] 23 This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous to see! 24 This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. 25 O Lord, please help us. Save us. Give us success. 26 Blessed is the one who is coming, the one sent by the Lord.[c] We bless you from the Temple. 27-28 Jehovah God is our light. I present to him my sacrifice upon the altar, for you are my God, and I shall give you this thanks and this praise. 29 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is so good! For his loving-kindness is forever.
118 Oh, thank the Lord, for he’s so good! His loving-kindness is forever. 2 Let the congregation of Israel praise him with these same words: “His loving-kindness is forever.” 3 And let the priests of Aaron chant, “His loving-kindness is forever.” 4 Let the Gentile converts chant, “His loving-kindness is forever.” 5 In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me and rescued me. 6 He is for me! How can I be afraid? What can mere man do to me? 7 The Lord is on my side; he will help me. Let those who hate me beware.
Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. 2 Divide your gifts among many,[a] for in the days ahead you yourself may need much help. 3 When the clouds are heavy, the rains come down; when a tree falls, whether south or north, the die is cast, for there it lies. 4 If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.[b] 5 God’s ways are as mysterious as the pathway of the wind and as the manner in which a human spirit is infused into the little body of a baby while it is yet in its mother’s womb. 6 Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow—perhaps it all will. 7 It is a wonderful thing to be alive! 8 If a person lives to be very old, let him rejoice in every day of life, but let him also remember that eternity is far longer and that everything down here is futile in comparison. 9 Young man, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it! Do all you want to; take in everything, but realize that you must account to God for everything you do. 10 So banish grief and pain, but remember that youth, with a whole life before it, can make serious mistakes.
Hoses 6! 6 “‘Come, let us return to the Lord; it is he who has torn us—he will heal us. He has wounded—he will bind us up. 2 In just a couple of days,[a] or three at the most, he will set us on our feet again to live in his kindness! 3 Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him, and he will respond to us as surely as the coming of dawn or the rain of early spring.’” 4 “O Ephraim and Judah, what shall I do with you? For your love vanishes like morning clouds, and disappears like dew. 5 I sent my prophets to warn you of your doom; I have slain you with the words of my mouth, threatening you with death. Suddenly, without warning, my judgment will strike you as surely as day follows night. 6 “I don’t want your sacrifices—I want your love; I don’t want your offerings—I want you to know me. 7 “But like Adam, you broke my covenant; you refused my love. 8 Gilead is a city of sinners, tracked with footprints of blood. 9 Her citizens are gangs of robbers, lying in ambush for their victims; packs of priests murder along the road to Shechem and practice every kind of sin. 10 Yes, I have seen a horrible thing in Israel—Ephraim chasing other gods, Israel utterly defiled. 11 “O Judah, for you also there is a plentiful harvest of punishment waiting—and I wanted so much to bless you!
Father, I humbly present myself as one who has chosen to turn away from their sinful ways. It is a choice I made when I chose to follow you and Lord, it is a choice I intend to abide in. Father, help me to walk in a way that is worthy of this calling. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.❣️❤️
Hey I just happened to stumble upon your profile and I just wanted to say that your bio made me smile a whole bunch! May God bless you <33
PASLAMS 111 VERSES 1-10 1-2 Hallelujah! I want to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God for his mighty miracles. All who are thankful should ponder them with me. 3 For his miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal goodness. 4 Who can forget the wonders he performs—deeds of mercy and of grace? 5 He gives food to those who trust him; he never forgets his promises. 6 He has shown his great power to his people by giving them the land of Israel, though it was the home of many nations living there. 7 All he does is just and good, and all his laws are right, 8 for they are formed from truth and goodness and stand firm forever. 9 He has paid a full ransom for his people; now they are always free to come to Jehovah (what a holy, awe-inspiring name that is). 10 How can men be wise? The only way to begin is by reverence for God. For growth in wisdom comes from obeying his laws. Praise his name forever. ❤️❤️ DAILY DOSE OF GOD
15 O Lord, look down from heaven and see us from your holy, glorious home; where is the love for us you used to show—your power, your mercy, and your compassion? Where are they now? 16 Surely you are still our Father! Even if Abraham and Jacob would disown us, still you would be our Father, our Redeemer from ages past. 17 O Lord, why have you hardened our hearts and made us sin and turn against you? Return and help us, for we who belong to you need you so.[a] 18 How briefly we possessed Jerusalem! And now our enemies have destroyed her. 19 O God, why do you treat us as though we weren’t your people, as though we were a heathen nation that never called you “Lord”? Don't forget to pray, along the way you may get lost, stumble you may even give up but in the end the goal is to revive yourself, find life again even after dying find truth even when your drowning in the lies of false preachers, find a smile on your face everyday because no matter what, God still loves you, you will be the worst most ugliest person in the world but the Man above who crafted you himself in his likeness and love still Has hope in you, so you need to have faith in him, It is so hard and I say tht bcs i know first hand what it's like to have NO FAITH, NO BELIFE, NO understanding at all, I know what it's like to know God but at the same time, NOT know God bcs it has a fine line between knowing OF him and then sitting down and actually getting to KNOW HIM. ppl forget tht mistakes and misfortunes are a part of life, a believer or not you will face trials and tribulations, but thts where the love for God should shine, bcs in the end you'll realise tht those tears were worth it.❤️