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" fax my brother ! spit your shit indeed ! "


          Oh , this was .. This was not good .. The dream demon was always someone to be in dangerous and harmful situations .. But right now ? This was a bad one .. He didn’t even know what was happening , really — He felt .. Dizzy ? His vision was a blur . The farthest he could see was his hands if he held them in front of him . Everything else was fuzzy .. Was that because of the .. Never mind . He didn’t want to know . He didn’t want to know anything else about the one who was literally beating him to the ground right now . 
          Will didn’t understand .. One second , he was in the forest chained up to a nearby tree , waiting for the two twins to come back . Next ? The blue triangle was attacked by someone , claiming they were going to use him as a .. Sacrifice , or whatever . What’s so special about him anyway ? He was just a damned , useless triangle that does nothing but sob and tend to the family he was a slave to . And besides , he couldn’t leave this dimension .. The deal he made with the twins long ago sealed the barrier off for him . He couldn’t leave . Not unless the deal was broken .. So no , he couldn’t be used as a damned ‘ sacrifice ‘ , or whatever the idiot was talking about . 
          Currently , the floating triangle had shoved himself into a thorny bush , taking the neon pink chains he had broken that were hanging off his sore wrists with him .. His breathing was heavy , the tears flowing from his eyes falling against his little noodle - like legs .. Hopefully she wouldn’t see him .. He had stunned her for a moment , long enough for him to be able to hide .. I mean , he was a dream demon , after all — Quite literally one of the most powerful creatures , and probably beings to exist in the multiverse .. He was hyperventilating at this point , his neon pink blood dripping from the broken bricks on his body that held his form and very being together .. 
          Don’t come over here , Ivy .. Don’t find him .. 


            // GULP GULP GULP GULP /J
            Fear . The air reeked of fear . The shapeshifter could only widen that sickened grin of hers as she dragged her double - bladed scythe against the ground , leaving an obvious trail . Oh man , was this the most fun of them all , somehow . Ivy has seen past sacrifices scramble as equally sad as Will's attempts . But he managed to get away at first . Oh well , not that she cared much though . At least the thrill was high.
            " You can't hide forever . They'll find you .. I'LL find you .. " She darkly chuckled , squeezing at the scythe . Oh , won't he come out ? Nope . Probably not . Though in that case , she could think of a few ways lure him out  while she could . Hey , at least it gave her something to truly think about more the while she tried to find him .
            " There's no need to hide , " The shapeshifter started off , humming with yet another dark chuckle leaving her very being , " After all .. you could consider this a FAVOR . If anything . So there's no need to hide . " Of course , this wouldn't be the last of her statements . She will make him come out of his hiding place . She was euphorically determined to sacrifice him .
            With every step that came , a slash for every upcoming obstacle came along . Ah , so now we're chopping down forests now ? Fine . The leaves of the trees and the nearby bushes that she passed had been sliced clean . Ivy paid no attention to them though , the only thing she was willing to slice clean was through the damned torso of Will's . Sheesh .
            You better hope your hiding spot's good enough , Will . Because time is ticking .


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          Wow , this was entertaining . For some of the others at least . A rare sight to see indeed , especially for someone as sophisticated as him . Some looked disturbed , some didn’t care , and some laughed and snorted at his actions . I mean , you’d probably expect a few to laugh at someone drunk , due to how overly stupid they always acted in the moment . Trust me , poor guy was probably going to be slapped into the Dimensional Newspaper . Wouldn’t be a surprise . 
          The only guess is that someone walked by and spiked his drink out of mere anger . It wasn’t until in the middle of one of his bets he started feeling .. Woozy . Overly woozy . Not a good woozy , either . And yeah , he scared off the creature he was betting with because of how intoxicated he grew in the moment . Welp , free money , I guess . 
          As of right now , the bettor was stumbling around like an absolute hag , his face flushed as he tripped and sluggishly made his way through the sea of people . The eyes on him right now were unreal , but it was too hard for him to even hear the small chuckles and cackles of those in the casino . His one objective ; Find Ivy . Hopefully he’d even be able to remember her , hell . 
          Oh , that was easier than expected . He actually found her quicker than he assumed , andddd .. There he goes . Falling right onto the table she was sitting at and nearly breaking the damn thing in the process . Even funnier , is that she was probably in the middle of a bet , and he interrupted . Nice . 
          “ H-Holy shit , h-have you always been this p-pretty ? ~ “ The bettor questioned , his speech heavily slurred as he let out a few pathetic giggles , trying to move himself closer to her . Yeah , it was probably going to be obvious what the hell was wrong with him , since he reeked of pure alcohol . 


            The traveler could only watch the bettor lay on the floor for a moment before sighing , kneeling down in front of him before pushing him up and letting the blood splatter against her hands , stabilizing him onto his knees . She'll clean that up later , but for now , she was going to get him somewhere else so she could bandage him .
            Usually with others , Ivy could care less . That's who she is , in fact if this were someone else — she'd probably be among the laughter . But this was Tad — it was much different . Considering his usual elegancy , and considering she was his lover . It was much more different and I'm sure anyone could see that normally .
            In the meantime , the traveler quietly wrapped a few bandages around the wound to prevent the bleeding for a moment as she took the bettors hand . " .. Good smiles , tell me you're stable enough to walk .. " She murmured before flashing back to the table crashing down , ultimately changing her mind as she said nothing and picked up the bettor into her arms — despite the size difference — and quietly trotted over to where his office was .
            Honestly this wasn't really helping Ivy nor giving her anything , this doesn't benefit anyone but it just adds fuel to the fire when she's had a worse day than what she'd usually go through . Not mind - wrenchingly worse though , just annoyances here and there . If anything this was , at most , the most interesting thing she's encountered today .


            Erm , well I would suppose seeing a bettor sprawled out on a table would be rather funny . Like said before , this was a rare sight for everyone . Not often would the dream demon show something other than a blank face and emptiness . So yeesh , calm down Ivy .. Let everyone have a good laugh for once . Besides , they probably wouldn’t remember this moment anyway , since they were all most likely half drunk themselves . 
            “ What ? N-No , I’m f-fine . ~ “ The dream demon spoke , letting out a hiccup as he reached out to grab the traveler . And there he goes , crashing onto the floor along with the table . I guess it was a little too loud in here right now for the two to hear the table cracking underneath Tad , and so , he went down with it , a few particles of dust floating up into the air as he hit against the floor . Damn , that had to hurt — But he’ll be fine . Welp , he didn’t even get to do what he wanted to do if he were to grab her .. Which is probably a good thing — 
            Long story short , but he won a bet against one of the rich . And yeah .. They probably walked by and spiked his drink out of mere anger once the bet was over . Funny thing is , he only had one , and that was the one they spiked . So be glad he didn’t have anything else after that , because uh .. Alcohol poisoning isn’t very fun . He’s went through it before , and would prefer not to go through it again . 
            “ Oh w-wow .. Everything’s upside down now , h-haha .. “ The bettor slurred , laying in the pile of wood , a few of the splinters sticking through his clothes and puncturing him . Unfortunately , he couldn’t even feel the wood stabbing at his skin , since his body was almost completely numb .. Not to mention it was tingling . Yeesh , you have one night ahead of you , Ivy . 


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            // DUMPS WATER ON YOU
            Oh , yeah . Ivy was in a bet alright when all this took place . Currently , she had the upper hand and was feeling smug about it , as she always did when she had the upper hand . Or well , HAD the upper hand until the bettor plummeted onto the table she had been betting on . She watched her opponent run away in almost an instant , to which she frowned and turned her attention to Tad , her expression changing almost instantly . Yeah , no . That look on his face , the scent that lingered around his being ; she knew .
            " .. Dearest — ? " She asked , setting down the deck of cards before walking over to him . Why was he drunk ? Did he have a bad day ? Ivy didn't know . Saying nothing more for that moment , she only seemed to cup his square head into her hands , closely examining him . Was he hurt ? He didn't look hurt , other than the fact he almost broke the table , but to him , that was probably nothing . " Are — Are you okay ? You're .. " No need to finish that . He'll catch on .. maybe not now , but somewhere later on .
            Okay , the laughter that echoed out from some of the beings surrounding earned the iconic Ivy death stare — with that ' grin ' of hers and those shadowed , dilated irises . If she weren't mainly focusing on the bettor , you can bet to yourself that she would have gotten physically or psychologically violent with anyone who laughed or chuckled , or whoever looked in their direction.
            With that , it seemed as if she'd stared off enough of them as she quickly went back to normal and gave the dream demon a loving and caring gaze of what could only be read as worry . " You don't look too well .. and you smell of alcohol .. " No shit , Sherlock . Of course he looked unwell . He's drunk . But oh well .


" why are there homosexuals at my doorway . "


            “ Good enough I guess . “ 


            " that's what you wanted to hear , right ? "


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          He never came here . Never . He wanted nothing to do with his brother in all honesty , and he had a good reason to as of why as well . He knew Tad didn’t want a single thing to do with him either , and that serves him right . Bill had tried to kill him .. One too many times . We don’t speak of the talk they had before Weirdmageddon . Blood was shed . A lot . But like I said ! We don’t talk about it . Of course , nobody would expect the overlord to walk into the doors of the casino tonight . He wasn’t here to visit either .
          The moment he had barged in , he had knocked someone out . Guess he opened the door a little too hard , letting out a loud cackle of laughter as his eye trailer down to the now .. Oh , fucking Axolotl .. Hopefully they’re not dead , and maybe just knocked out ? — Hopefully — It was hard to tell by the pool of crimson , red liquid appearing under their body . Not that Bill cared anyway ! He found it pretty funny . 
          It was hard not to ignore the eyes upon him .. The ones full of fear . But he enjoyed it . Enjoyed watching all these cowardly beings tremble as he made his way past them , shoving a few out of his way , and a few moving themselves in pure fear of him snapping on them . Oh boy , he just can’t WAIT to see the fear in his damned brothers eyes .. But wait .. Where was he anyway ? And that’s when he noticed the traveler over at a slot machine , betting with someone . Ah , he knew her . But he knew everyone , so of course he would . 
          As he remained floating above the ground , the ones the traveler was betting with quickly zoomed away once they saw him , and , it was amusing to him as he watched the confused look on Ivy’s face , probably wondering why they had ran away . 
          “ SO , where IS HE ? “ An auto - tunish , yet probably unfamiliar voice spoke from behind Ivy . “ YOU’RE close to HIM , so YOU should KNOW . “ Bill hummed , his cane evaporating into the air as his arms were now placed behind his back . 


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            It was already said why Bill had come here . He didn’t ‘ need ‘ Tad , he only showed up so he could do what he’s been longing to do .. Kill him . And reveal who the bettor actually was before doing so , funnily enough . Bill knew good and well Tad wouldn’t fight against him . Against his harm . You really think Tad would be able to handle Bill ? Ivy , I think you forgot he’s a wimp who doesn’t have the guts to hurt anyone . He’s as good as dead when Bill gets to him . 
            With his blood still pooling to the floor , it didn’t take too long for his arm to fully regenerate . What was bothering him the most is that , well .. It’s not like he could regenerate his damn clothes , so when the traveller had ripped his forearm clean off , she took the sleeve of his suit with her . Fun . But the bothering part was because the .. Damned scars were showing . The ones that creatures would question where he got them from . 20 years . That’s all I’ll say . 
            Arching his triangular head to look at the traveler , a demonic growl left him as he gave her .. Probably one of the most horrifying looks imaginable . “ DO you WANT me TOO ? “ The overlord questioned , his eye wide as he gave her a threatening look , the blood that had been splattered across his face that belonged to him still there . Probably from where Ivy had cut his arm off . Pretty much , he was telling her to fuck off before he made her . 
            “ OH , don’t WORRY . It’ll GET VIOLENT when I FIND him and KILL HIM . “ I — Holy shit , so he just admitted that he was about to kill his own brother . Alrighty then ! “ I’M SURE you’ll ENJOY watching it , TOO . “ 


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            Ivy remained still as she watched the dream demon float away , processing exactly where the hell he had been going . That's . . surprising . He didn't have anything else to do her that would hurt her ? Shocking ! The shapeshifter narrowed her eyes as she quickly followed after the overlord .
            " I'm surprised , Cipher . " She hummed as she walked next to him , though keeping at a distance but just enough for him to hear her fine . " I kind of expected you to be more violent . . oh well . " She snickered to herself , now shifting to jump onto the shot machines as she kept following him .
            She may not have showed it , but a part of her wanted to know why he needed Tad . Was this some brotherly shit they had to do ? The traveler couldn't tell if it was going to be a friendly settlement or not . 
            The more she looked into it internally , the more it seemed to be a threat . For fucks sake , this was Bill Cipher . It probably wouldn't go well for anyone in this situation . Ivy was sure Tad could handle himself though when Bill had finally found him , but she couldn't help but follow the overlord to make sure he wouldn't do anything shitty in the next moments .


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            Unable to even have a chance to speak , his sadistic and prideful expression slowly faded into a .. More blank and slightly .. Scared one ? Scared ? No , no — Don’t show it . He’s fine . This was just another joke . A joke to him , at least . But he’s pathetic . If he was bound to have two 12 - year - olds from the past defeat him , he definitely had to be more wise with his choices now . And yeesh , he remembered the last time he thought he could toy around with someone .. 20 years he suffered because of it . Damned circle . Whatever , nobody knew anyway . 
            With his eye widened , a large shot of pain had jolted up through his body . It didn’t effect him much thankfully , but it was painful . He’s had worse , he’s been through worse , this wasn’t going to effect him much . His blood had dripped down to the carpeted floor underneath him , spilling like a waterfall as his body slumped slightly . Ow , okay . 
            With the overlord’s eye twitching , a few puffs of steam made their way through the cracks and shatters covering his head . Oh , it was all he could do not to just .. Completely rip her into pieces little by little , torturously , gruesomely . But no , he was saving that for someone else . Someone he was about to confront . If he could find him , at least . 
            So , what did Bill do exactly ? He turned the other direction and began floating away . Away from Ivy . It shouldn’t take him too long to find Tad , not with how intelligent and smart he was . However , his irritation and anger only seemed to be increasing and rising once he heard the chuckles of those around him . Probably snickering once they noticed the arm of his that was missing . Fucking Axolotl , he honestly hasn’t been this angry in awhile .. But he wasn’t fleeing the scene , he was being wise . Way to go , Ivy . You better be lucky everyone in this damned casino isn’t ripped into a pile of organs by the time this place closes . 


" i have been banned from Twitter yet again ! "


            " oh yeah i broke you . "


            " i think i broke you . . . "


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          I guess he should really start paying attention to her more often , hm ? Well , he did , but when he got involved in serious bets ? No . He only focused on those and his opponent . No one else . Apparently , Ivy had done something to piss off one of the patrons , which led to her being tossed outside — In the fucking pouring rain — And they obviously thought it was funny to lock the door on her .. So I guess she kinda got left out there , and Tad didn’t even notice since he was too cooped up in winning a bet . It wasn’t until the casino closed that Tad had .. Realized she wasn’t in the building — And after a good hour of looking for her ? He found her outside standing in the pouring rain . 
          The bettor figured that Ivy was fine , but yeesh , who was he if he wasn’t to make sure she was actually okay ? Luckily , Tad had managed to get those disgusting soaked clothes off her , and changed her into something else . His clothes were obviously WAAAAY oversized for her , but hey , it was dry and it was something . 
          He currently had her plopped in front of the fireplace , and fucking Axolotl , did she have to be so damn difficult ? He knew she wasn’t going to brush the wet knots out of her hair , so he did it himself .. But he had to constantly swat her hand away and tell her to stop squirming . 
          “ Sorry , I didn’t know you were out there .. “ The bettor muttered , continuing to rake the bristles of the brush through the wet and messy hair of the traveler . Seriously , he felt awful for leaving her out there for so long .. But like stated as before , he didn’t KNOW she was out there . Tough . 


            Ivy didn't know yet . You are right when you say that the traveler would eventually find out , but most definitely before the hard way . You can also bet your ass that her reaction would be strong . Not in a good way either . She'd have to travel with the worries and plan on how to keep him safe for longer while dealing with the daily basics of hers . Keep it at there will be tears shed momentarily , silently , or both . 
            An elaboration on ' everything ' is for keeping her alive and being there for her . Seriously , Ivy looked forward to paying a visit to the casino every single time all just so she could see Tad . Think of it , it was her top priority . And again , a reason why she toned it down so she could stay alive easier for the bettor . A main reason to genuinely live rather than just for the hell of it .
            The travelers face erupted into a blush once more as her smile drooped happily , a little sluggish now but still radiating a genuine love . Good lord she looked probably as equally love - drunk as the bettor himself . " I don't know what I did to deserve you . " The gaze had been returned with a soft glimmer in her eyes provided by the dancing flames . She wrapped her arms around his torso , keeping him close .
            " No promises dearest ~ " Ivy giggled out . You should know her , she probably would . It never took her long to get back to the cheerful attitude of hers . Due to how long she keeps it up for , it's practically just pressing a switch and boom ! Back to ' normal ' she goes ; though it could be easily changed just as easily as it comes back . Ivy found herself melting into the affectionate gesture , letting out a quiet sigh in contentment  . Be real , if she didn't know how to get herself under control she'd probably be switching forms non - stop due to how oh so genuinely positive the current moment had been making her feel .


            Oh — So she really DIDN’T know , eh ? Oh well . Tad could keep things hidden pretty easily , but when it came to Ivy ? Yeah , no . Either she would bug him to death to find something out to the point he’d eventually spill , she’d find out on her own , or find out the .. Hard way . Whatever , she already knew he was a Cipher , so what’s next ? I don’t want to know . 
            The bettor could only cock his brow at her words . What in the .. Axolotl’s name was she thanking him for ? He’s done nothing good . Nothing worthy of being thanked for . He’s just always sat here in this damned building , making bets and winning per usual , cleaning the mess and locking himself in his office once he was done . It was on repeat . His life was on the repeat button . He wished it wasn’t . So what did she see ? What has he done for her to thank him over ? 
            Letting out a soft sigh , Tad gently shoved his squared - head into the crook of the traveler’s neck , his face a dark shade of red , and his hot breath hitting against her skin . Damn , he looked drunk . Complete mush . He was just .. Staring up at her , his eye half - lidded as he gave her one of the sweetest , most loving looks he could probably even give . Aw .. 
            “ How about you don’t . “ The bettor grumbled , his hands snaking around behind Ivy as he began to slowly rub small circles on her back , as a sign of affection and for way of comfort , of course . Wow , it didn’t take her long to go back to that cheery , yet some what annoying tone of her’s . Whatever , Tad has grown to like it anyway . 


            She let out a quiet huff when he had rubbed her head affectionately , soaking in the feeling . The words that flew out of his mouth only made her smile wider as Ivy turned around and completely wrapped her arms around his torso , engulfing the bettor in a hug . She kept quiet for a moment , her eyes half lidded in thought before she had finally spoke up . " . . As long as you stay safe , then I'll be safe too ; I guess . " Her words were quieter than a whisper , as if it were simply the sound of the wind .
            Pulling away from him , she only faced him while sitting on his lap as she held his hands . A somber look shone in her eyes , though she remained calm . " Thanks . For everything , honestly . I don't think I need to specify because I mean it when I say everything . . " She murmured , gently squeezing Tad's hands .
            Ivy kept quiet once more , turning her head to the fireplace . The flames seemed to dance and twirl with every flicker and the more she paid attention to it , the more she felt herself spiraling to sleep . Somehow this day managed to drain the ever living daylights out of her , but she didn't mind . She knew she was in a safe place for the most part .
            " . . y'think I can pull a joke on either a Patron or some other poor soul ? Except it'll be fun for both sides ! " She asked , her cheerful attitude and voice quickly returning . Oh wow — okay . Anyway , Ivy's sense of humor was weird , everyone knows that . Truly a poor soul if she decided to pull it or not . But knowing her ? She probably would .


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" every fucking day i am so fucking close to killing you all one by one . "


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            “ Shit . :/ “ 


            " oh , no . not you dearest . "
            she just pat pats his arm ‼️


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" imagine me and you … sitting together … and then i hit you on the head with a cinder block and dragged your body to the deepest pits of wherever because i don't know religious shit … but nevertheless imagine if we did that … no homo … "


            " imma be real if IM ALIVE by tomorrow ofc im coming back , DUH , that sentence wasn't by choice smh smh . . "


            Utter silence . 


            " NEAT . "