im tempted to write [character] x reader fanfics so uhh suggest some chars pls ! heres some animes ive watched -Haikyuu! -Kuruko no Basket -Mob Psycho 100 (only gonna do reigen if thats the case lmfao) -Kakegurui -Death Note -Danganronpa v1 & v2 there are more but these are off the top of my head it doesnt have to be from these animes

this message may be
- reigen for apple lmao - TSUKKI PLEASE - kuroo - kenma you fucking simp - the uh the bitch with the lollipop from the gambling show - SODA PLEASE DO SODA HES SO SWEET - little bit of non psychopath Light please and thanks - kokichi ig - ....nagito you fucking kinnie - reigen for apple