guys I know im a few days late but whatever I feel like I need to say something about this topic. I apologize in advance if you don't like my opinion. Zayn from 1d is human too. he has feelings okay? there's no reason to hate on him in hopes of getting him to come back because you're just showing him a reason not to. if someone called you a traitor or dumb would you want to go back with them? I, for one, am alright with Zayn's decision, id probably do the same if I got hate like he did. sure, its sad that he wont be apart of 1d anymore but if you were a true fan you would support him and not put him down for it. seriously, to all of those directioners out there, I hope you support zany because right now he needs to know that we are standing with him no matter what, because that's what true fans do.