
بەسەرپەرشتـی خوێندن و دڵم،
          	چیڕۆکەکە فەوتا..
          	ئیتر فانی ئەنیمیەکان لەخۆتان هەڵبەن چوونکە وەبزانم هیچم پێ نییە..


          	  زۆر سوپاس دڵی من شتێکی شازت بۆئەکەم چاوجوانەکەم بەس پێویستم بەکەمێک پشووش هەیە حەیاتم زۆرسوپاس بۆ قسە جوانەکانت دڵمیان ڕازاندەوە ورەیان پێدام(„ಡωಡ„) 


          	  ئەوە نازانم بۆ بۆو نەهات ههه..
          	  ئەڵێم فیداوبم جەرگم بەخوا تۆ پشتمیت تا تۆم هەبێت کەسم ناوێت بەس زۆر ساردبوومەوە لێی یانی نازانم چیبکەم تا بیرۆکەی نوێم بۆیەت یەکسەر بۆتی دائەنێم بەس بۆتۆش باشە چاوی من ساقەوبم زۆرسوپاسی قسە جوانەکانت ئەکەم شیرینەکەم(*♡∀♡) 


@lbanuyl یەک دەقەەەەەە
          	  وەرە ڕانەکەیییییی
          	  وا ئەزانی بە ئاسانی وازت لێ ئەهێنین؟ من چاوەڕێی وەرزی چوار بوون کەچی تا چوار پارت نەڕۆشتی؟
          	  جا ئەوە کەی کێشەیە بە شتت پێ نەبێ خۆ دنیا ئاخیر نابێ! بیر ئەکەیتەوە و شتت بۆ دێ، ئەوەتا من سێ ڕۆژم ویست تا 100 وشە بنوسم، بەڵام خۆ جاری وا هەیە سێ پارتی 1000 پارتی زیاتر دەنوسم، بەکاتە، تۆش نابێ کۆڵ بەی، چاوەڕێ ئەکەین دوو ساڵیش بێ چاوەڕێ ئەکەین بەس داینێ پارتتتت توخوا زۆر خۆش و جیاوازە بەجدی گوناحە تەواوی نەکەی خوشکم پلیسسسسسس "گریان،دڵشکان" 


قور بەسەری ڤێرا باشە


            کچێ تۆ چاوی منی خاتوو پارك ڤێرا ❕❕


            ئەی خوا قەزای تۆ و ئەو نازناوە


            جا خەمونەبێ سوپڕایزێکی جیقن ترم هەیە باس بۆ جەماعەتی دارك رۆمانسی..
            جا ناشزانم بەتەمای ئەنیمێ نییم( ̄︿ ̄) 


There are days when you feel like a total mess. It can get so overwhelming that you start feeling numb, and those negative thoughts begin to consume you completely. It’s okay and natural to feel this way sometimes, but you can’t stay stuck in it - for the sake of your own well-being.
          Imagine your mind is a room, and your emotions are its belongings. They are usually in their right places, but sometimes they get messy. When you feel overwhelmed, restless, numb, angry, drained, stressed, or anxious, it’s like shuffling things around in your mind. Your emotions become scattered, just like the mess in your room. And just like you clean your room, you need to sort out your emotions too.
          You know that no matter how many times you clean your room, you will have to do it again and again. It takes effort, but you also know you don’t have any other choice. If you don’t clean up, you will be the one struggling in the mess. The same goes for your emotions. If you don’t take care of them, they will only make things harder for you.
          [I have so much more to say, but due to Wattpad’s word limit, I can’t share everything here. This topic needs a deeper explanation, so I have written it in more detail in my book GENTLE NOTES. I highly recommend reading Note 17 - it will only take 5-7 minutes of your time.
          If you’re struggling with your emotions or mental health right now, I strongly encourage you to read it.
          You don’t have to vote - just read it. I really wanted to share it here on the message board, but I can’t because of the character limit. That’s why I published it today in my book. I truly hope it helps you in some way.
          And if you know someone who might need to read these words, please feel free to share them. Tag them in the comments, or if they aren’t on Wattpad, you can copy and share it elsewhere.
          I’m doing my best to help people here, and I hope these notes bring even a little bit of positivity into someone’s life. Read Note 17 - MUST READ!]


Sometimes, all you really want is for people to understand you. You’re not asking for anything special, just a little understanding. But when people don’t get you, it can be really frustrating. It makes you overthink and sometimes even doubt yourself, just because others don’t understand you.
          But here’s something to think about-do the people you want to understand you, even know how to? Understanding someone means being aware of what troubles them and what makes them restless or empty inside. Let me give you an example. Imagine a person sitting in front of a question paper. They don't know the answers, so they just stare at it with a blank face. Maybe they understand a few questions but not fully.
          You’re like that question paper to others. People need to make an effort to understand you. But if they’re struggling in their own lives, how can they focus on understanding you? Think about it-are these people taking care of themselves? How do they handle challenges, emotions, and life decisions? How do they treat others?
          This isn’t about blaming or hating others. It's about seeing things differently. You can’t depend on people to always understand you. Sitting and thinking, "No one understands me, how will I fix this?" won’t help. Life doesn’t stop because someone doesn't get you.
          Yes, it’s tough when people misunderstand or don’t see what you’re going through. But you can’t force them to change or behave the way you want. They need to do that themselves.
          What you can do is focus on yourself. Keep growing, keep learning, and take care of your own peace of mind. It’s not easy, but you can do it.


Calling yourself "crazy" or "insane" just because you feel confused, frustrated, stressed, sad, angry, grumpy, anxious, worried, or numb isn’t right. Sometimes, you might feel like you don't understand what’s happening around you. You know things are going on, but you can’t figure out what exactly. Maybe you're tired or just unsure about what to do next.
          You might wonder, What is happening to me? What am I feeling? At times, you feel done with yourself. You can’t decide what step to take, and it becomes too much. You may even stop enjoying the things you once loved. You get upset over small things, and unwanted thoughts show up. These thoughts ruin your mood, and you let them because you don’t know what to do. Instead of moving on, you end up overthinking.
          But listen-accept yourself as a human being. You are not just made of bones, flesh, and organs. You also have emotions that you may not see but can definitely feel. You have a mind that wonders, thinks, feels, and learns from daily experiences.
          You are not crazy.
          You are not weird.
          You are not useless.
          You are not a mistake.
          You are a normal person. 
          You are just human, with feelings and emotions.
          It’s okay to feel nothing sometimes when life gets overwhelming. Don’t rush to judge yourself. Calm down first. Calling yourself names is easy when things feel out of control or when someone makes you feel bad.
          But don’t do that. Take your time. Analyze the situation. Think carefully. Sitting quietly and calming yourself is better than thinking the worst about yourself.
          You are a normal human being.
          Accept yourself.
          Understand your emotions.
          Make better choices.
          Take wiser decisions.
          Stop thinking too negatively.
          And above all-never call yourself hurtful names.
          Accept yourself as a normal human being. 


          ‎دڵنیابە پەشیمان نابیتەوە لەخوێندنەوەی چیڕۆکە تازەکەم  
          ‎ئەمجاره تەواو بیرۆکێیەکی جیاواز و سەرنج ڕاکێشە تنها بەخوێندنەوەی پارتی یەکەمی ئاڵودەی ئەبیت 
          ‎بە کۆمێنتە و ڤۆیت بشتگیریم بکە شەکرەکەم


You often feel scared about sharing your feelings or talking about the things you’ve gone through or are still going through. Why? It’s because of your age. These thoughts keep running in your head, and it becomes frustrating. You already have so much going on, and this fear adds to your overthinking.
          You want to open up about the stress and anxiety you’re feeling—it’s weighing heavily on you. You want to let it all out, but at the same time, you’re afraid of the criticism you might face from others, even those close to you. They may not have said anything directly, but their words and behavior make you feel like they’ll judge you if you share. You imagine them saying things like:
          "That's it? You’re just overthinking."
          "There’s nothing wrong with you."
          "You’re too young to feel that way."
          "You don’t know what real problems are."
          "You’re making this up in your head."
          "Stop stressing over nothing."
          "You don’t know the meaning of struggle."
          "Wait until you’re older; then you’ll understand."
          These words, even if unsaid, haunt you. You’re scared they’ll make fun of your feelings, dismiss your struggles, or act like you have no right to feel this way because of your age.
          But let me tell you something: these people don’t understand what real struggles are. They don’t realize that hardships aren’t about age—they’re about what people go through and how they cope. Yes, life brings challenges at different stages, but dismissing someone’s feelings just because they’re young is wrong. Everyone deserves to be heard. Sometimes, all someone needs to hear is, “It’s okay to feel this way.”
          Don’t waste your energy on people who make you doubt yourself or worsen your feelings.
          I don’t know what you’ve gone through or are going through now. I don’t know you personally. But I want to tell you this: don’t let the negative words of others drag you down. Focus on protecting your energy and finding people who understand and care.


            Ur the best again
            Proud of u 3>>>


زۆر شرینی


@ lbanuyl  دڵی منی❤


            کچێ لەتۆ زیاتر نا چاومانیت جەرگۆ(„ಡωಡ„) 


@lbanuyl قوربانی دڵت بم زۆر سوپاس قەزاو لە گیانم


تەواو ئیتر چیرۆکەکەت دێلێت کرد و نایەیتەوە؟
          ئاخر ئەگەر وابێت ئەمرم، واتا سەرەتا زۆر بەپەرۆش بووم تا یەکەم پارتت دانا، دواتر زانیم لەوە شاهانەترە کە چاوەڕێم دەکرد لە چەند پارتی داهاتودا کە داتنا تەواو ئاشقی چیرۆکەکە بووم بەس ئەوەتا ئیدی ناتوانم سێری بکەمەوە بەداخەوە.
          هیوادارم ئەمە تەنها بۆ ماوەیەک بێت و بگەڕێیتەوە لامان بەجدی زۆر بیری خۆت و چیرۆکە نایابەکەت دەکەم. 


@lbanuyl کوا بۆ لای من پیشانی نادات "گریان" 


            کچێ تۆ دڵیت جەرگی من بەسەرچاو هەر ئەمڕۆ چیڕۆکەکە پەبلیش ئەکەمەوە و پاڕتی نوێت بۆ دائەنێم بەس بۆتۆش چاوی من بەس بەخوا زۆر مەژغول بووم ئەسڵەن نەمتوانی دەستکاریشی بکەم بەسەرچاو ئێستە بۆتی پۆستەکەمヽ(♡‿♡)ノ