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Okay new announcement since I'm stupid and can't make up my fucking mind. I will still go to this account, you are still free to go to my new account, but I'll be using this for one more story because I'm a weird fangirl for Mutant Busters. So I'm gonna be writing some X Reader stuff for mutant busters to cure my boredom and because it was something I've been wanting to do for a while now.
I'll just say that the show is a kids show. It's very VERY obvious jut from watching the intro to the show. When it came out on Netflix I fuckin binge watched that show, and kept rewatching different episodes. It's strange and very childish but I still enjoy watching it, mostly for the characters (why else would I write a fanfic about it? You gon date a pebble?)
Shooter is honestly my favorite out of all the characters, for me he's the relatable character (cuz he gamer) and he's just a pretty funny character in general. So the fanfic is gonna be a lot of him
I have proof of me fangirling about this show. I had dreams where people ACTUALLY wrote x reader fanfiction for the show, and then when I wake up, I'd be very unhappy and disappointed. Anyways have fun with me on my new account, and have fun reading on this account!
I wish all my donkeys to have a good day, night, evening, or afternoon.