Hold on...
Who is this strange lady, writing this strange letter?
And WHY, may I ask, does she wear glasses?
AND...uh- since WHEN does she wear glasses?
Since September something 2022.
Okay I'll drop the act, missed me anyone?
I get it, I'm horrible, no one knows me.
But I sure did miss y'all!
And I'm back, why? So that I can become a better person, a better reader and a better writer. And an awesome friend, and an amazing supporter of your books. I'm extremely sorry for this, all these notices and stupid rants, but you don't know how much I needed this. All the support you guys showed me? Thank you. I'm very, very grateful.
But seriously, I'm wondering if all nerds do wear glasses, because I just got mines a month ago...
(What happened to the poetic, emotional side of me? Why do I sound like an idiot, desperate for achieving forgiveness?)
I've decided that there is a boundary and sometimes, it's better to be outgoing and friendly than serious and emotional. Sometimes that serious and emotional side of me will need a break.
But please, give me time to fix everything, I still need to fix my account, but I've decided not to leave it. It holds so much memory, you know? And I'm going to need to fix it.
Don't forget that I'm still a student, hoping to get good grades, hoping to have a good education, hoping to be a good friend (online and offline) and hoping to become a better writer.
Please wait till I come back, but don't hesitate to drop me messages, if you ever need a friend.
With never-ending love,