
I am now sad because Brooklyn Nine-Nine has ended


Are you allergic to kids but want to relax , eat some Kentucky fried children, and watch invincible. Well now you can, with the all new EpiPen 3000. For only the precise of $29.99 AUD, that's cheaper that the price of those Eyephone 17s, you kids use now days. It pumps you so full of drugs that ,not only, does it last a year, it also gets you as high as an airplane (literally not metaphorically). 


Random thing that happened that I want to share with you. Yesterday, me, my sister and my dad were in the car going somewhere (my dad was driving) and he decided that he wanted to race this random car and drove at fúcking 180 kph (112 mph) and I thought I was going to die. 


Random fact. You know how the Mayans predicted the end of the world would be in 2012. Yeah, but, since then the calender has changed. So 2012 back then is 2020 now. Either the apocalypse is tomorrow or they were wrong. (Correct if I'm wrong, I heard about this a few months ago)