
          	LIFE UPDATE? IDK
          	I wish that I could post something positive here for once, but alas, life is a freight train.
          	My pet bird unfortunately passed away this morning. As much as I hate to say it, I’m grateful that she didn’t have to suffer for a prolonged period of time (she was ill almost all of her life). What really breaks my heart is knowing that her best friend (another bird) is still waiting for her to come home.
          	But it can’t be a true Renae Radish update without saying something about myself, right? The narcissist in me simply won’t allow that to happen.
          	I found out today that the group of people that I thought were my friends were just using me as entertainment. I hate being the butt of a joke I mentally can’t comprehend because I just suck at social cues. It’s not a big deal, I understand, but damn. That actually hurt.
          	I know that I promised to continue Hailstorm in mid-June, but I honestly don’t know when I’ll come back at this point in time. I will finish the series; I promise you that.
          	Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate you guys.


          LIFE UPDATE? IDK
          I wish that I could post something positive here for once, but alas, life is a freight train.
          My pet bird unfortunately passed away this morning. As much as I hate to say it, I’m grateful that she didn’t have to suffer for a prolonged period of time (she was ill almost all of her life). What really breaks my heart is knowing that her best friend (another bird) is still waiting for her to come home.
          But it can’t be a true Renae Radish update without saying something about myself, right? The narcissist in me simply won’t allow that to happen.
          I found out today that the group of people that I thought were my friends were just using me as entertainment. I hate being the butt of a joke I mentally can’t comprehend because I just suck at social cues. It’s not a big deal, I understand, but damn. That actually hurt.
          I know that I promised to continue Hailstorm in mid-June, but I honestly don’t know when I’ll come back at this point in time. I will finish the series; I promise you that.
          Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate you guys.


this message may be offensive
          Hey! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated Hurricane . . . I’m here to assure you all that I’m not giving up on it; I just really need a break. You didn’t come to hear me rant, so I’ll keep this short and sweet: what the fuck is high school.
          Vent starts here. Someone took my seat, so I had to sit on the floor. The teacher did not give a damn. Fine. I found out that the girl who I thought was my friend was just using me. Okay. My first friend (I moved to this high school) at school left me. Sure. I got pushed from the top of the gym bleachers on accident. No one helped me. The kid never apologized. Holy shit. There’s more, but I’m trying not to bore you. I just wish I’d known how fucking crazy high school is. Anyway. I’m just naive. Stay safe out there ✌️


@ a_radish  omg I just discovered your ff and was curious about the author and here I am
            I'm so sorry for what happened to you ! If you want, I'm here if you need to chat ! I love your writing and I hope your break is gonna be good for you !