

A star has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has two ends. But a circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends (including me if I am one) if you get 5 back you are a good friend. If you get 10 you are popular. If you get 15 DAMN! I AM JEALOUS! 


@KhanakxKhanu thank you dear ❤️and you are really an awesome friend and author.. though I have never met you but always love your stories... Wish you all the good things in life... 


A star has 5ends. A Square has 4ends. A triangle has 3ends.. A line has two ends.. But a circle of our friendship has has no end. Send this to all your friends (including me If I am one) if you get 5back you are a good friend. If you get 10 you're popular. If you get 15 DAMN! I AM JEALOUS!!   


@AlolikaKundu nice to meet you Alolika


@AlolikaKundu aww... Thank you so much ❤️❤️ Myself sayana ❤️❤️ your name??