
@bmeeshe cells are the basic unit of life. Thus, every cell in our body is a living thing. A fetus is formed when you unite an egg cell and a sperm cell. So no matter how small that fetus is, it's still alive. You want people to respect other's opinion yet you're disrespecting not only my opinion but my religion too. 


@clodyalewis hello, me again! I misspoke on mistake about a fetus being alive. It is a live but that means nothing. Being a live is equivalent  to bacteria in this case. Meaning altogether pratically nothing. Now what I ment to say was it is not alive in the since of being a human being. It relies on its mother for everything. I honestly don't have that much time and patience to explain this, and I apologize for that. But if you go to this site i am 100% positive that it can answer your question in a more detailed way. I suggest you to read the 'Deconstructing Anti-Choice Language' and 'Is a Fetus a Human Being.' It even says some interesting things on the Catholic Church.
          P.S. I mean no disrespect in putting the Bible in the terms that I see it in. Just calling it as I see it. 


@bmeeshe cells are the basic unit of life. Thus, every cell in our body is a living thing. A fetus is formed when you unite an egg cell and a sperm cell. So no matter how small that fetus is, it's still alive. You want people to respect other's opinion yet you're disrespecting not only my opinion but my religion too. 


@clodyalewis @clodyalewis @clodyalewis No sweetie, anortion is not killing becasue it was never alive. To kill the object the object must be alive. And it may be a sin to you, but Im not religious so I feel no fear/ threat saying what I believe. And the Bible a.k.a an ancient text may be sacred to you, but I can never trust something so corrupted to guide me through my life.  You believe in the Bible, so great for you, but I don't so this whole 'burning in hell' thing has no impact on me what so ever. 
           (Once again on iPad so excuse the misspells and what not)


@bmeeshe I'm a catholic and abortion is a mortal sin and mortal sins will make you rot in hell. Abortion is another form of killing and killing is against the 5th commandment. Idk if you know that. The bible is very sacred so next time be careful when saying something about it especially when you're referring to it as "just an ancient text".  So of course many people will react to that. 
          Hope this clears things out


Hola! Prior to this comment you've made another one on The Wolf baby to me, but one of the bad things about Wattpad is that I can't go back and reply on that page, so I took it upon myself to write you back on your message board.
           You told me to go read a Bible, yet why would I? I'm not religious and the only reason I read the Bible is to understand the comments that are made about it in modern day, and I can be all the more educated. Plus reading the Bible,a text that is corrupted and is ancient misleads so many people, like so in abortion, and what is actually murder. Why would I base knowledge off some, as I said before on an 'ancient text.' Why should I read the Bible especially for subjects like abortion when there is more science on it, then the Bible could ever even hope to compare to? That's just my opinion on it though of course. 
          (I apologize for errors and misspells. I am on an iPad.)