
Hi guys, I’m still alive!
          	I know it’s been an absurdly long time since any updates to Fate’s Edge and I tried my best to explain my lack of writing to the public, however, to put it simply, I was a bit wore out. Some things were bearing down on me and life was happening a bit too soon, but now I’m fine.
          	Stuff is pretty much back to normal and so are my habits! I’m currently shaping out ALL of the Fate’s Saga and hope to update Wattpad with PLENTY of content to post regularly, so stick around! Tell your friends.
          	The Edge has returned. 


Hi guys, I’m still alive!
          I know it’s been an absurdly long time since any updates to Fate’s Edge and I tried my best to explain my lack of writing to the public, however, to put it simply, I was a bit wore out. Some things were bearing down on me and life was happening a bit too soon, but now I’m fine.
          Stuff is pretty much back to normal and so are my habits! I’m currently shaping out ALL of the Fate’s Saga and hope to update Wattpad with PLENTY of content to post regularly, so stick around! Tell your friends.
          The Edge has returned. 


If anyone cares for an update, here you go:
          I do not know what I am doing or where I am going. Some of my stories were, and still are, great ideas with plans to go places.
          Some actually did pretty well, some didn't. (And thats okay)
          Some were based off of a giant, massive role-play my best friend and I were doing live. Some of those are still active to this day; some are not.
          Some are actually kind of absurd now and I really don't mentally or emotionally feel connected to the characters and the plots as I once did.
          With this being said; due to personal blockage, I will be deleting/inactivating some of my stories for cleanliness. 
          Each story will be updated hopefully soon with it's position so that my followers (those who are still active and care at this point) can prepare themselves for the deletion, completion, or continuation of a certain story.
          I am sorry, again, for being away, as well as I am sorry for it having come to this.
          More than anyone, I wanted my stories to work out. But alas.. I //AM// the one creating and organizing them.


Hello fellow Wattpad writer :) 
          It's my birthday soon (19/07) and every year it comes around, I do something special for the people that made the year fun and this year my followers made it fun, so I'm stopping by and saying thank you to each one of you for making it special. 
          So that's what I'm doing, just saying thank you for supporting me in doing what I enjoy to do :) 
          (This would be incredibly embarrassing if you're one of the people following me but not reading any of my books) 
          But if you do enjoy my stories I hope that by this time next year you will still enjoy reading them. 


Hey all. I'm sorry I'm so inactive and such. But Fate's Edge is going to be an actual book I hope to someday spice up to real legit literature and hopefully publish as a real novel. So here, I could care less if you read it. This is just a test run that is only slightly reliable since I know most of you- if not all- are self-centered and have your own things you're doing 24/7. Fate's Edge will be extended out as a full-length novel. It is no where near completed... This particular story is very repetitive, I admit, but the story gets better in my opinion. And I promise you, you will never find a story exactly as this one. Because me, and a close friend of mine, have created this story ourselves in a series of roleplays. 
          ~ Thank you.


I apologize for having disappeared. I haven't been eating normally lately and haven't had much sleep. Plus a few friends aren't exactly Happy Go Lucky at the moment. So... Therefore the mind for writing has not been mine. I'm hoping to get back into activity when school starts back.. But until then: Happy New Years and welcome to the End Of The World(x 3)


I apologize to everyone for being so inactive and not updating my stories recently.. I just, today, was informed that one of my classmates since 3rd passed at the hospital this afternoon. I am not motivated to write at all right now... I will try and get the next chapter of Fate's Edge up soon for you all though. Maybe start another book similar to it... I have no idea. 


In my Fate's Edge novel I must warn a few of you.. Several more chapters in- depending on how much I continue to squeeze into a single chapter- I plan on getting slightly more INTO it. Not telling who or what or when because I'm not going to spoil it for whoever is reading it... But when my friend and I roleplayed this, there were certain parts where it got rather boring to roleplay because the story lacked.... Spice to it. So, for the sake of attracting reader's attention, there will be SLIGHT lust in a chapter here and there. Only a TAD BIT. None of that hard-core stuff. 


I realize that the language in Fate's Edge is getting rather rough... I apologize for that but it is merely a story. I have both heard and seen these words before in text as I am sure most of you have as well. I will NOT change or censor the language for readers discretion. The language is why I have the story rated the way I do.
          Thank you- Writers.