
          Thanks for your votes on Crushed Petals!
          Take care ❤️


@aaanmil thank you!
            I'm glad you're enjoying it❤️


@Olamide1302 you're welcome I am not finish reading the whole thing yet but will continue soon


❤ Hi lovely ❤
               ♡ "Being a Mother
             is learning about strengths
          You didn't know you had... and
                   dealing with fears
              You didn't know existed." ♡
          Have a great day and stay safe!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


@12MidnightBlue12 hi I'm a new writer please support me in my journey to becoming better 


❤ Hi lovely ❤
          ♡ "A Real Mom:
                    Emotional, yet the rock.
                    Tired, but keeps going.
                Worried, but full of hope.
                Impatient, yet patient.
                    Overwhelmed, but never quits. 
                    Amazing, even though doubted. 
                Wonderful, even in the chaos. 
                Life Changer, every single day." ♡ 
          Have a great day beautiful! Be safe!!!❤❤❤


❤ Hi lovely ❤
          ♡ "A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands for everybody else." ♡
          ☆ "The thing about being Brave is,
                   It doesn't come with 
                      the absence of fear and hurt.
                Bravery is the ability
                   to look fear and hurt in the face and say
          'Move aside, you are in the way.'" ~M.T.
          Stay safe and healthy beautiful!!! ❤


❤ Hi lovely ❤
          ♡ “The only one 
                who gets to decide your worth is you.
                        It doesn’t come from what 
                someone else says you are worth. 
                        It’s called self worth for a reason;
                It comes from you. 
                   It comes from being yourself and 
                       being proud of who you are. 
                It comes from being someone 
                    that you can count on and 
                       someone you love. 
                The numbers will change with time, but 
                    what won’t change is 
                       who you are deep inside:
                            beautiful, limitless, 
                       wonderful, creative, 
                            strong, capable, and 
                  that is where your worth comes from.” ♡
          You and your family, stay healthy and be safe beautiful!!! ❤


❤ Hi lovely ❤
          ♡ “You have what it takes.
                   You are strong enough.
                       You are brave enough.
                           You are capable enough.
                               You are worthy enough.
                 It’s time to stop thinking otherwise and
                    start believing in yourself because
                 no one else has the dreams that you have.
                    No one else sees the world
                        exactly like you do, and
                            no one else holds
                                the same magic inside.
                    It’s time to start believing
                        in the power of your dreams, 
                            my beautiful friend. 
                    Not next year, 
                       not next month, 
                          not tomorrow, but Now.
                    You are ready. 
                        You are enough.” ♡ ~N.B.
          Look after yourself and your family beautiful!
          Stay healthy and be safe!!! ❤


❤ Hi lovely ❤
          ♡ “Soon, all of this weight 
                      you are carrying 
                            will fall gently away. 
                Soon, these chains 
                     won’t be able to hold you anymore and 
                            your past will lose its grip on you. 
                Soon, you’ll move forward 
                     into peace and find 
                            a new beautiful spark of joy… 
                No matter what 
                     you are going through right now, 
                            know that it really will be okay. 
                Even if it doesn’t seem like it right now, 
                     I promise that soon 
                            you will make it through 
                                   these rough waters and 
                            come out so much stronger 
                    on the other side. 
          ♡ So soon, my beautiful friend.” ♡ 
           ~ N.B.
          Look after yourself and your family! Be safe! ❤


❤ Hi lovely ❤
            ♡ "Life is an art, not a science. 
          Perfection isn’t possible or desirable. 
                      You don’t have to be 
             like anyone else or worry about 
           if they’re doing better than you are. 
                  You’re You, 
                      You’re unique, and 
          You’re on your own journey – not theirs.
                When we let go of the idea that 
                        we should live 
            up to anyone’s expectations or
              subjective ideas of success, 
                  can we really embrace 
               our lives to the fullest and 
          live the way we were supposed to; 
                  On our own timelines." ♡
          Look after yourself and your family lovely !
          Be safe!!! ❤


@aaanmil ❤ I hope you and your family are doing ok beautiful ❤


@12MidnightBlue12 thank you for this.   so many people need to realize we don't need to look at another and what they accomplished and be jealous or envious we have our own journey and we don't know what his will is with our journey and how successful our journey will be