
Chapter 3 of In the Key of Love is up! For real! I told you I wasn't dead. Read and comment at your leisure. Did you love it? Hate it? Do you just want to yell at me for taking so long to update. Go right ahead. I welcome all feedback.


Omg...today at the spa I wanted to jump out the window. Literally everything that could have gone wrong. It was so bad I went to lay down in our little sauna room during my lunch break. One of the massage therapists came in and was like "What are you doing in here? You're not getting a treatment and also you're fully dressed" and I all I said was "Leave me alone. I want to be at home writing." I than threatened to book him nothing but hot stone massage for the rest of the week and he quickly left. :)
          P.S.: You won't have to wait much longer and it is wonderful of you to be excited about this little story of mine!


omg...I feel so terrible. I just started a new job managing a spa and it's been so crazy. Here's what you need to know. My crazy brain likes to write out of order so this is the first time I've had to post chapters in sequential order. I'm also pretty long winded but fear not chapter two is almost done. I will send out the message when it is up. Thanks for the encouragement and hang in there with me!