
assalamualaikum. maaf lama menyepi. lately memang sibuk dengan all the fp for sem4. i have no enough time untuk buka manuskrip saya dan terus update one by one chapter di sini. inshaallah, lagi 4 minggu, sem4 akan melabuhkan tirai. bila tiba masa lapang saya, saya akan mula update sikit sikit.
          	itu saja dari saya. inshaallah mei ini penentu masa depan saya ♡


assalamualaikum. maaf lama menyepi. lately memang sibuk dengan all the fp for sem4. i have no enough time untuk buka manuskrip saya dan terus update one by one chapter di sini. inshaallah, lagi 4 minggu, sem4 akan melabuhkan tirai. bila tiba masa lapang saya, saya akan mula update sikit sikit.
          itu saja dari saya. inshaallah mei ini penentu masa depan saya ♡


sebelum kita melangkah masuk ke tahun baru, i hope the beginning of 2025 will be a gift and a fresh start for me, inshaallah. 
          may the start of 2025 bring new opportunities and be the greatest gift for me.
          semoga pembukaan tahun 2025, ada sesuatu yang menanti saya ♡


mampu re-pub 3 bab aje dulu. malam nanti atau esok saya akan sambung re-pub bab yang lain. sebenarnya saya dah siapkan sampai bab 12, jadi jangan risau, status masih on-going dan bukan hiatus. dont u worry guys, writing has always been my passion. saya hari-hari duk menghadap skrin laptop. jadi jangan risau, saya memang tak re-pub each of chapters here, sebab saya tengah pulun siapkan manuskrip dulu. tapi, kalau ada kelapangan, i will be here for my beloved readers. pakcik oren ni sentiasa ada dalam phone saya, tak pernah saya buang. doakan supaya hal saya dipermudahkan ye, semua ♡


@bumelur im always here melur ♡


3 pun takpe la janji pub  sengsara hidup aku bila caca menyepi tanpa update chapter. THANKYOU AUTHOR-NIM


hi, assalamualaikum. aaeeshamsul di sini. im here to make a cute announcement about HYD. saya telahpun unpublished cerita HYD atas sebab-sebab yang tertentu.
          saya tengah mula betulkan dan tengah pulun nak siapkan manuskrip untuk HYD, jadi berkemungkinan besar ada banyak berlakunya perubahan adegan ataupun cara penulisan saya. untuk sesiapa yang rindu dengan HYD, dont u worry sayangku, saya akan update chapter by chapter dekat sini. jalan cerita tak akan berubah, cumanya saya nak betulkan ayat yang kedengaran tak matang.
          doakan saya dapat siapkan manuskrip kedua saya!


@bumelur hihi so sorry for that! nanti dah keluar buku, baca la puas puas ya


Noted, kak. saya akan get ready mental & phy untuk menunggu :(


alhamdulillah, a publisher replied! they’ll review my manuscript in 3-4 months. so excited for this step forward. please pray for me!




december has always been my favorite month, and this year, i am hoping it brings some special news. i am waiting for a dream to come true, where a publisher says yes to my manuscript and turns it into a real book, something i’ve always wished for.
          so here’s to hoping this december brings me that good news, and i get to share this journey with all of you.
          dear me, please, jangan pernah berputus asa, bcs every small step brings us closer to our dreams.


to my dearest readers,
          i wanted to share a little piece of my heart today.
          there’s this story i wrote—“Neverending Heart: Pujaan Hati Si Duda.” boleh cuba-cuba belek diruangan story yang dah di published di acc saya. it’s so special to me that i dream of making it my very first book. a real, physical book you can hold, flip through, and maybe even smell the pages (don’t we all secretly love that? haha). even though it’s not the first story i shared on wattpad, i want this one to be the first you can place on your bookshelf. same goes to me. i want to do the same.
          and right now, i’m waiting. and waiting? it’s not my favorite thing in the world. but i believe in dreams, and i believe in prayers. so, if you can spare a moment, please pray for me and this little dream of mine. pray that one day, this story will become a book you can hold in your hands, a book i can proudly call my first.
          and imran? hahaha! oh, he’s a character i hold close to my heart. i want you to meet him, to understand his sacrifices, and to see the kind of love and devotion he carries. does he find his happiness? that’s for you to discover.
          my stories are simple—they’re about love, in all its forms. bcs honestly, isn’t that what we’re all looking for?
          thank you for being here, for reading my words, and for believing in me. u’re part of this journey, and i’m forever grateful.
          ur aspiring author, aaeeshamsul.


it’s ok, cha. doakan semoga semuanya dipermudahkan. u r not alone, kami ada kat sini dengan kau! 


yesterday, 1st December, marks the beginning of Dia… Imran: Hati Yang Dicuri on wattpad. it was the day i published the very first chapter of the story. and today, the novel celebrates its 3rd anniversary.
          i hope this journey continues until the day it transforms into a ‘senaskhah buku’—an official piece of work by me, aaeeshamsul.
          thank you, aaeesha, for choosing to become o novelist.


SELAMAT MENUA HYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!