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          	  What happened Alyx?


i don't know what to think of myself anymore
          my fake attempts into liking who i am and what i look like are failing drastically
          im getting so many stretch marks, cellulitis, and varices on the lower half of my body and i hate it so much
          i can barely look into a mirror without wanting to cry
          i hate it
          i hate this so much
          sometimes i wonder why i cant look like everyone else
          they are all so pretty
          why cant i be pretty too?
          its not fair
          and i was just starting to get comfortable in my skin too
          i dont know what to do anymore


@aalalyalyx hey, we all have those! It is just that in media we are served a highly rendered image of "the perfect body" but everyone else in reality (or at least most of us) have imperfections and that's okay! we are not designed to look like a perfect barbie and ken doll, we are designed to be so full of flaws that in the end the product is imperfect but...unique!


@aalalyalyx hey girl there's nothing wrong with stretch marks and cellulitis, they're there to remind you that you're healthy and living. Almost everyone gets them men, women, even kids and everyone will have them at certain points. We're all human everyone has their faults it doesn't mean we aren't all pretty. You're gorgeous and I hope you think that everyday . Even if it isn't clear to you, appearances change, personality doesn't. Don't sacrifice the you that you are for what is idealised as beauty. The next time you look in the mirror I want you to really look . Look past the stretch marks and everything you see wrong. Look past all that and see the things that are gorgeous. Be it your hair,your eyes, your lips, even your teeth. Look at them and smile because life's too short to worry about things outside of our control. Be happy Alyx, because there are a lot of people who would want you to be. You might not even know some of them 


God, why didn't anyone tell me about finals for freshman year??
          like why the heck do I have to write 5 paragraphs for English, do a one pager, a paragraph about the one pager, a 20 page biology finals kami, a world history review packet, a math packet and edit a 48 page and counting script


@aalalyalyx I didn't have to do that, all I had to do was remember what I learned through out the semester and aswer the questions as best as I could and hope for the best that I was right.


One of the many things I did not expect on my 2024 bingo card:
          Being called a lesbian
          I would of never expected that honestly :sob:


@alyx-zalyx-pazazzlyx I do not look like the lesbian stereotype at all yet I've been called lesbian multiple times


Today was the day yall
          In gym
          My friend (will solace supremacy beliver) asked me if I'd date nico or will. 
          I... I couldn't respond T-T
          Like who tf am I going to choose 
          I ended up saying both =')


@ShinyEevee372 honestly, it was just funny how we asked eachother because we were just fangirling in class as usual


@ShortSassyCuteClassy my other friend told me she'd rather take Leo... I mean like, all the ladies love him but like he ain't an option


I think I have a problem with fictional characters named nico
          Super nanny (its pretty alright??)
          Why is Nico so... like? 


Is it bad that im cackling at the thought of Zeus inviting his mother over for BRUNCH??


@ShortSassyCuteClassy so true, I want a relationship like theirs


            I just finished reading it recently. 
            Percabeth has never been more wholesome.