-Life(ish) Update-
Hi there, AdrianneFay here.
This is a post about where I'm at in the books to give you an idea of what's going on.
IBAW, which stands for "In Black And White" has been completed, edited from beginning to end. It's the first book of the series "Uncolored Origins".
IHAE, standing for "In Heirs And Enemies" has been completed, and I've only edited the chapters I've uploaded. Enjoy what's up, and the chapters to come will flow in gigantic spurts. This is book two of the series.
IRAS, the acronym for "In Rebels And Sanctuary", is in the process of being written. I'm jam packed full of ideas, excite to type them up and publish them. This is book three of the series.
Im planning on writing plenty of books to come in the series, and I hope you enjoy every single one of them! Thank you to my readers, if you're out there.
Sincerely, Adrianne Fay.